Overseer’s Report.


To the Taxpayers:

During the year ending February 1, 1893, there has been expended for help to poor outside of the Town farm, $5,217.97, and for expenses of the farm and care of inmates, $3,886, making the total expenses, including overseer’s salary, $9,103.97.

There has been received for produce, pasturing, board, etc., and paid to the Town Treasurer, as shown elsewhere, $371.50, and there is due from other towns and individuals, as show elsewhere, $303.07. After applying these credits, the net total expenses of care of poor were $8,429.40.

Statements and lists appended show in detail to whom the orders have been drawn and the amounts, those helped outside and amounts to each, with the number in family, etc. The inmates at the farm have been more than last year, and more calls for outside assistance. Thirteen have been buried at the expense of the town, of whom five died of diphtheria.

Seven persons have been sent to the insane asylum at the expense of the town, and about 30 more families have been obliged to be helped by the town than was the case last year.

This increase in numbers helped has been caused by the growth and business of the town. In the summer and fall many families have moved from other states and procured work temporarily, but when winter came on their work failed and assistance was sought from the town. The winter has been colder and there have been more idle men that can’t find employment, but who would work if they could procure it, than I have ever known before.

Dr. J. D. Hanranhan has continued to be the town physician, and all medicine furnished has been by his express order and prescription.

The last Legislature amended the pauper law according to a bill drawn at my suggestion, by Mr. Dana, by which other towns where paupers have their legal residence will be obligated to support them until they have acquired a new residence after three years. It is hoped that this bill will be of great pecuniary benefit to the town, and already moneys have been collected from other towns, which before the passage of the law they refused to pay.

I have kept, ever since I have been Overseer, an itemized account, in a book kept for the purpose, of all money paid out as poor account. This book, with the original bills, is open at all proper times to inspection.


Overseer of Poor

Rutland, Vt., 17th 1893