

Meeting open at 7:00 PM


Commissioners Present:


Howard Burgess, Charles Vajda, Raymond Leonard, Andrew McKane, Jerry Stearns and Anthony Flory and William Matteson


Mr. McKane moved to approve the 10-6-11 minutes. Mr. Flory made a second to the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Matteson cited the fact that Mr. Stearns was not listed for attending a meeting, which he did attend. Mr. Zingale is to add Mr. Stearns name to those in attendance for the September 15, 2011 meeting.


Mr. Mark Blucher, Executive Director of the Rutland Regional Planning Commission, met with the Commissioners and reviewed the Commission’s proposed zoning draft.


Mr. Blucher handed out a comparison of the Planning Commission’s proposed regulations and the Select Board’s proposed regulations. The Commissioners and Mr. Blucher reviewed the comparison of the two documents.


Mr. Blucher reviewed the scope of the grant work with the Commission:



Mr. Blucher said the Select Board is willing to accept some of the Planning Commission’s changes if the Commission is willing to accept some of the Select Board’s changes.


He said the Board would move the document through the public hearing process as quickly as possible and will send it to the voters to make a decision.


Mr. Blucher cited the fact the Town has not had a town wide vote on proposed regulations. Mr. Blucher and Mr. Matteson decided the Commission would seek a November 2012 vote on the proposed zoning regulations.


Mr. Bluchers said the two big differences between the two documents is whether to have a Development Review Board or a Zoning Board of Adjustment and non-conforming uses.


Mr. Matteson said there has to be language added to the zoning regulations regarding grandfathering non-conforming uses.


Mr. Blucher suggested the Commission use the term “Appropriate Municipal Official “ rather than use Zoning Board of Adjustment or Development Review Board.


Mr. Matteson suggested the Commission poll the public at the public meeting and determine whether the public wants a Zoning Board of Adjustment or a Development Review Board. Mr. Burgess said the public might not understand the difference between the two.


The Commissioners will review the document comparing the two zoning versions at their leisure and will review comments at future meeting. Mr. Blucher will prepare a report of the Commission’s changes prior to the Commissioners preparing a preliminary zoning draft.


Mr. Matteson said the Commission would present the document to the Select Board after Mr. Blucher has reviewed the Commission work. Mr. Blucher said he would like to get the Select Board to agree to as many changes as possible prior to printing and informational publication to be mailed to all residents and businesses.


Mr. Matteson said the Commission would review the document after the Select Board has made comments and would then schedule a public hearing.


Mr. Burgess questioned Mr. Blucher as to the contents of the flyer the Commission plans to mail to all residents and businesses. Mr. Blucher said the flyer would be 6 to 8 pages and would include a zoning map and explanation of the zoning districts.


Mr. Matteson asked Mr. Blucher if he considers the Commission’s draft zoning regulations restrictive. Mr. Blucher said some items are restrictive. Mr. Blucher cited customary home occupations as being restrictive due to the requirement to file paperwork with the Town and attend a meeting.

Mr. Matteson said the Commission could eliminate section “C” on page 15 to make operating a home occupation less restrictive.


Mr. Vajda questioned Mr. Blucher regarding the section dealing with junked motor vehicles. The Commissioners and Mr. Bluchers discussed the matter. Mr. Blucher said the Town could remove the section and write a local ordinance to deal with junked motor vehicles.


Commissioners also discussed solar panels.


Mr. Matteson passed out copies of the Aldi’s Act 250 application. Mr. Matteson passed out correspondence from Select Board member Mr. Jim Hall regarding items to be updated in the Town plan.


Mr. Leonard moved to close the meeting. Mr. McKane made a second to the motion. The motion passed unanimously.




William T Matteson, Chairman