November 18, 2010




The meeting opened at 7:00 P.M.


Members present:  Howard Burgess, Tony Flory, Raymond Leonard, William Matteson, Andy McKane,  Tom Turner and Charlie Vajda.


Review of the November 4, 2010 Minutes


One change was made to the first paragraph on zoning stating that 73% of those in favor of zoning wanted more than minimal zoning.  Mr. McKane motioned to accept the minutes with this change and Mr. Vajda seconded the motion.  All were in approval.


Lot Line Adjustment


The Commission received a letter from Attorney Licardi concerning a lot line adjustment for the Bania and Blicharz property on Route 4 West. The Commission felt more supporting  documents are needed for this lot line adjustment including a survey.  Mr. Turner made a motion to this affect and Mr. McKane seconded the motion.  All were in approval.




In the past, the Select Board has been in favor of a ZBA, Zoning Board of Adjustment vs. a DRB, Development Review Board.  Recently, there was an article in the Rutland Herald stating that West Rutland has decided to change from a ZBA to a DRB.  Mr. Rhodes, Chairman of the Select Board, told Mr. Matteson that he read the article and is no longer opposed to a DRB for Rutland Town.  The Select Board is to take a vote on this  subject.


State Employees Credit Union


The State Employees Credit Union has started their project on the corner of Route 7S and Seward Road.




For the attendance record, Mr. Turner reported that no one attended the interactive TV session on 11/17/10.


Mr. Matteson is having surgery and will not be able to chair the 12/16/10 Planning Commission meeting.  Mr. McKane will chair the meeting in his absence.


Byron Hathaway was not able to make this evening's meeting to discuss  changes to highway and bridge regulations.  He plans to attend a future meeting.




Mr. Matteson said that he would e-mail the latest zoning document to those that have e-mail and also make hard copies for everyone.


Green Mountain Plaza


The Green Mountain Plaza is working with Act 250 on their traffic issues. They have asked the AOT, Agency of Transportation, for a curb cut so that Farrell Distributing trucks can access their business once other changes have been made to the traffic flow at the Plaza.


Nordic Inn/Waffle House


Mr. Zingale reported that the proposed Waffle House on the Nordic Inn property is not going forward and they have withdrawn their Act 250 application.


Mr. Leonard motioned to end the meeting.  Mr. Flory seconded the motion.  All were in approval.  The meeting ended at 7:25 P.M.





___________________________________                        ________________

         William Matteson, Chairman                                                       Date










