May 6, 2010





The meeting opened at 7:30 P.M.


Howard Burgess, Tony Flory, Richard Hoenes, Raymond Leonard, William Matteson, Andy McKane, Jerry Stearns, Tom Turner and Charles Vajda.


The Commission made a site visit before this meeting to view the proposed lot for the Army Reserves and the National Guard.


Preliminary Thomas 4-Lot Subdivision Hearing


John Thomas and his attorney, Kevin Candon, were present to discuss the proposed subdivision of a parcel of his property.  The Army is anxious to break ground by 5/24/2010.  Rich Barnett, who represents the engineering firm who will be doing the project, was present to discuss the map thus far.  The survey has been done and the land will be broken into four parcels as suggested by the Rutland Town Planning Commission.


A road needs to be constructed that leads from Post Road to the building.  It shows on the map as fifty feet wide, to include grading. They are using the Army Corps standards for building the road.


Mr. Burgess mentioned there are errors on the abutters' names surrounding this property.  The engineer will get with Mr. Burgess to correct any errors.


The water easement is listed on the map.


Ed Skwira, a Town resident and neighbor of the proposed project, voiced his concerns not only for the possibility of extra traffic on Post Road and the use of Route 7 vs. Post Road, but for the lack of visibility of the entrance to the complex for on-coming traffic.  The engineer said that the future map will include more detail and this will be taken into consideration.  Mr. Matteson said this will be discussed further at the next hearing. The Planning Commission had asked previously for something in writing stating that the Army and National Guard will use Route 7 for access vs. Post Road.  This could be in the form of an SOP.  Mr. Burgess said he felt that it would be too difficult to control traffic other than heavy equipment and Mr. Flory agreed.  They were told that the Army and National Guard would make sure heavy equipment traveled via Route 7 and request that staff also use Route 7.  There can be no guarantee, however, what drivers do on their own time, i.e., traveling to and from the complex.  The engineer reminded the Commission that the United States of America says there can be no conditions put the project.


Mr. Matteson said the next plot plan should show the cut of the road, slopes and cul-de-sac.  He was asked if there could be more than one map to show all the detail so it would be easier to see and he said yes.


Since there needs to be a fifteen day warning before the final hearing, the next hearing will be at a special meeting of the Planning Commission on 5/27/2010.  The regular scheduled meeting of 5/20/2010 will still take place.


Mr. Turner asked if there would be a citation stating there can be no conditions put on the project.  He was told that there would be one for Act 250. Mr. Turner also said that the permanent easement form Post Road to the facility should be notated on the map.  He added that in the minutes from 2/18/2010, the Planning Commission asked for a letter from the engineer concerning the adequacy of the storm water management area.  He was told that this is still under design and will be ready for the final hearing.


Geological Study Presentation


Professor John Van Hoesen of Green Mountain College was present to discuss some geological maps he did as part of a study for the State and the Town concerning ground water ,the depth of bedrock, sediments for aquifers and river deposits.  He used the location of about 700 wells in Rutland Town and also did a field study.  These maps can be used to help locate the best areas for development and how to protect good producing wells.  He will send an accompanying report to Mr. Zingale for the Commission to review.


Mr. Hoenes motioned to end the meeting.  Mr. Leonard seconded the motion.  All were in approval.  The meeting ended at 8:55 P.M.




_________________________________                    _____________________

         William Matteson, Chairman                                               Date








