JANUARY 5, 2010





The meeting opened at 6:50 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Board members present:  Joe Dicton, James Hall, Steve Hawley, Stanley Rhodes III and Josh Terenzini.


Review of the 12/22/2009 Minutes


Mr. Hall pointed out that Mr. Doran’s name was misspelled.  Mr. Hall then motioned to accept the minutes with this change and Mr. Dicton seconded the motion.  Three voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Hawley and Mr. Terenzini abstained due to their absence at the last meeting.


Questions from the Floor


Greg Nutting, who lives on US Route 7N, was present to express his interest in purchasing land from the Town that surrounds his property.  Mr. Rhodes said he thought that the property should be advertised and appraised.  Mr. Hall suggested that the appraisal be paid for by the Town as the seller and the rest of the Board agreed.  Mr. Rhodes asked if the Town needed the property for any particular use and it was mentioned that it could be a second entry to the cemetery but that it is not currently being used for this.  If there was a future need, then the Town could get a right of way to access the cemetery.  Mr. Zingale mentioned that the land is a wetland.  Mr. Zingale will set up to have an appraisal done.  The last appraisal was done in 2003.  


Thomas Santoro was present to express his concern that one of the Town constables drives at an excessive rate.  He has put in a call to Chief Sly to discuss the situation but has not heard back from him.  He has also talked to the State Police.  He mentioned that there are several other people who have complained about the excessive speed.  The Board said that Chief Sly needs to review the video from the constable’s vehicle as the next step.  Mr. Matteson added that he has not witnessed this particular constable being reckless and he will talk to Chief Sly.  Mr. Santoro said that he intends to pursue this issue to the maximum degree.


Town Clerk/Treasurer – Marie Hyjek


Ms. Hyjek said that the next BCA meeting is scheduled for 6:00 P.M. on January 13, 2010 and this should complete the grievances. There are three grievers that are going to the State level and three that are going to Superior Court.


 Ms. Hyjek mentioned the following dates:



The fireworks contract for $6,700 includes ten percent additional fireworks if paid in February.  The Board discussed putting the fireworks out to bid next year and letting the current company know this is the intention.


Ms. Hyjek provided the Board with the quarterly expenditures vs. the budget.  She also gave the Board two liquor licenses to sign, one for QMH and one for the 99 Restaurant.  Constable Faignant noted that QMH did not complete nor sign their application so it was not signed by the Board.  Mr. Hall motioned to approve the application for the 99 Restaurant and Mr. Terenzini seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.  Ms. Hyjek said that she is now receiving the applications from the State via e-mail and there is only one copy for the Board to sign. 


Highway – Byron Hathaway


Mr. Hathaway reported that he received a packet from the State on the McKinley Bridge project that needs to be reviewed and completed by January 15th.  The project goes out to bid in February.  The dates mentioned in the packet are June 26 to August 28.  The Board and Mr. Hathaway would like to see these dates moved up to April.  Mr. Hathaway intends to pave McKinley Avenue after the bridge project is completed.  It was also discussed that previously the State wanted an on site inspection engineer but this was not part of the packet.  Mr. Zingale said that they wanted someone local for this job.  Mr. Hathaway and Mr. Zingale will check into this.


Insurance paperwork and CDL licenses have been received from the subcontractors.  Mr. Flory has not yet been given the okay by his doctor to return to plowing.  Currently the Town truck is doing Mr. Flory’s route.


There was a brief discussion on the use of sand vs. salt on the roads.  Mr. Hathaway said that too much sand makes a mess to clean up in the spring.  Mr. Nicholson said that the State (The AOT and the Agency of Natural Resources) prefers “calibrated” salt to sand on the roads.


New signs have been received for the school speed limit as the old ones have lost their reflectivity.


Rutland Town Planning Commission – Bill Matteson


Mr. Matteson reported that he is setting up educational sessions for the Planning Commission.  The session the Commission was to attend in December was canceled.




Mr. Matteson has talked to Mark Blucher and if the Board signs the application for an $800 grant then this will pay for the training.  Mr. Hawley motioned for Mr. Rhodes to sign the grant application and Mr. Terenzini seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


The Select Board was to attend the next meeting of the Planning Commission to discuss the Routes 4 & 7 plan.  Since some members will not be available, this will be rescheduled.  Mr. Hall intends to go to the next meeting anyway.


There is a rail yard relocation meeting at City Hall on January 21st at 6:00 P.M.  The Planning Commission intends to go and this will be in lieu of their regular meeting. 




A packet from Stantec on file pertaining to the pool will be reviewed.


Town Administrator – Joseph Zingale Jr.


Mr. Zingale suggested that after the Select Board meets with the Planning Commission on Routes 4 and 7 that they need to get with the City and form a plan.


The Red Roof Inn would like help in getting a meeting with the City.  Mr. Rhodes said that maybe in a week or so when the BCA meetings are done and the budgets are done.


Mr. Zingale reported that the Energy Efficiency grant for the Town was denied as the State wanted more information then provided.  The Board felt that it would still be beneficial to have an energy audit.


The Flood Hazard Zoning Board of Adjustment needs to meet again as Mr. Wilk has created another violation in having logs on his property at the junction of Route 4 and the West Proctor Road.


Volunteers are needed to attend the energy training sessions in January.  The plan is to do five homes and at least four people are needed.




The Board needs to have a letter drafted and signed concerning the adjustments to form 411 of the Grand List from the BCA grievance hearings and appeal the CLA (Common Level of Appraisal) to the State. Mr. Hall motioned that the Board sign a letter written by Howard Burgess, the Town Lister, concerning the CLA prior to the next Select Board Hearing.  Mr. Hawley seconded the motion.  All were in approval.


Information was received from SWAC which included information on a proposed bill.


Mr. Zingale said he had to add some streets to a list received from the State on highway weight limits.


Ballot Items/Appropriations


The Board discussed some of the requested appropriations for non-profit agencies.  Mr. Terenzini asked what happened to the idea of having the agencies submit a petition.  Mr. Hawley suggested a policy be adopted concerning these agencies and how they get their requests on the ballot.  Mr. Rhodes said that he is going to require someone from the agency attend one or both of the pre-town meetings in order to be considered.


Mr. Rhodes said he had heard rumors that the Boys and Girls Club is donating money to the Giorgetti Park and would like this clarified before donating money.


It was decided that there is not a need for putting the Circle’s need for $1,000 on the ballot.  Mr. Hawley motioned to have this amount put in the miscellaneous budget and Mr. Hall seconded this motion.  All were in approval.  The $250 for the Natural Resource Conservation District also comes out of the general miscellaneous budget.


It was decided that the Select Board would stay to finish filling out the general budget.  Captain Faignant mentioned that he felt that the Select Board should include themselves in overall increases to keep attracting competent people.  He said that Rutland Town still pays less to its employees compared to other towns of the same size.


The Board stayed until 8:25 P.M. discussing the general budget.  The meeting ended at 8:30 P.M.  
























