FEBRUARY 2, 2010





The meeting opened at 6:55 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Board members present:  Joe Dicton, James Hall, Steve Hawley, Stanley Rhodes III and Josh Terenzini.


Review of the 1/19/2010 and 1/20/2010 Minutes


Mr. Hall motioned to accept the minutes of 1/19/2010 as written.  Mr. Hawley seconded the motion.  All were in approval. 


Mr. Hall motioned to accept the minutes from the 1/20/2010 budget meeting.  Mr. Hawley seconded the motion.  Three were in approval with Mr. Terenzini and Mr. Dicton abstaining.


Recreation – Jody Hall


Mr. Hall reported that the basketball season is winding down and that the first meeting on Little League has taken place.  There will be a regular meeting of the Recreation Commission in February including Mr. Terenzini and Mr. Hall.  Mr. Terenzini asked that it be a day other than Thursday.


Questions from the Floor


Don Chioffi was present to discuss with the Board the possibility of purchasing stealth cameras for the Town to help the Police Department with surveillance.  The cameras could be moved periodically and only the Police Department would know where and when.  Mr. Chioffi said that he has brought this up in past years and has also discussed this with Chief Sly.  The Board agreed to take the matter under consideration after talking with the entire Police Department.


Mr. Dicton and Mr. Terenzini offered for Mr. Chioffi to review the logs that are kept by the constables as far as what types of things they do during their shifts.

Mr. Chioffi said that he isn’t trying to talk against the Police Force; he feels constables should be available 24/7 and arrange their shifts accordingly.  He also stated that he felt more time should be spent on crimes other than speeding.





Town Clerk/Treasurer – Marie Hyjek


Ms. Hyjek reported that the office will be closed on February 15th in honor of Presidents’ Day.


The absentee ballots are due in the week of 2/1.  So far there are over one hundred requests.


The Town Report is at the printer’s and is planned to be mailed by February 19th.


The office will be open until 5:00 P.M.on February 25th to accept voter applications.  This is the last day to accept them for voters who want to vote in the March election.


Ms. Hyjek plans a BCA meeting on February 16th to determine who will be working the polls for the March election.


A second check has been mailed to the City for water/sewer bills that came in late.  All users were made aware of the new billing system via a letter in their last bill.


Corrected tax bills will be printed 2/3.  Mr. Burgess, the Town Lister, has already sent his 411 form to the State in order to meet the deadline.  There are five grievers going to the State level and three going to Superior Court.  Those who want to go to the third level of appeals have until February 13, 2010 to  file with the Town Clerk.


Rutland Regional Transportation Council – Charlie Shields


Mr. Shields reported that at his last meeting The Bus put on a presentation on their services which included transportation to Killington, Ludlow and picking up  non-ambulatory people at their homes. The Bus reported usage by 345 people per day, and this number goes down during when seasonal workers no longer ride to Killington.


The RRTC gave the AOT a priority list of improvements to bridges, roads, etc. in the Rutland Region.  Then the State will re-prioritize based on need statewide.


Mr. Hall said that he felt changes made by the State, without representation from the towns, was non-productive.  Mr. Shields said that there really wasn’t any money for projects anyway.


Rutland Regional Planning Commission – Fred Nicholson 


Mr. Nicholson said that RFP’s would be sent out in regards to the monies available from the Department of Energy.  An example for a request for money would be upgrades/changes suggested from the energy audit performed at the Town office building.






Highway – Byron Hathaway


Mr. Hathaway passed out a report on salt usage.  Mr. Rhodes suggested that when a taxpayer asks why a contractor is salting or plowing when there is no storm, they should be told it is at the request of the Road Commissioner.  He said he had a complaint from a resident on Blue Ridge Drive.  Mr. Hathaway said it was a preventative measure taken before the last snow squalls.  Mr. Shields said that he thought it was strange at first until an hour later when the snow fell.  He appreciated the Highway Department’s efforts.


Mr. Rhodes asked if the contractors would be loading their own salt and Mr. Hathaway said that all were in favor of it except the Quirk Brothers and he did not want to go forward with this plan without all contractors in agreement.  He added that it would free him up to perform other duties.


Rutland Regional Planning Commission – Fred Nicholson


Mr. Nicholson reported that RFP’s will be sent out in relation to monies available from the Department of Energy.  An example of things that will be looked at would be suggested changes/upgrades from the energy audit performed at the Town office building.


Rutland Town Planning Commission – Bill Matteson


Mr. Matteson said that the last Planning Commission meeting was held at Rutland City Hall.  Mr. Hall also attended.  They were present to reinforce the Town’s stance on the rail yard relocation.


The Rutland Regional Planning Commission will attend the Rutland Planning Commission’s meetings on the third Thursday in February and March for training purposes.


On Thursday, February 4th, the Planning Commission will attend an interactive TV class at the Stafford Technical School on “Planned Unit Development”.


Mr. Matteson has some Kiwanis members that will help out the Town performing energy assessments for homeowners. The group has attended energy training. Mr. Zingale asked that Mr. Matteson be his co-chairman for this project.  Some light bulbs and shower heads may need to be stored at the Town office.  After an energy assessment, the homeowner can then pay for an energy audit, most of which will be reimbursed through rebates.


Police Department – Officer Ed Dumas


Mr. Dumas responded to Mr. Chioffi’s concerns about their schedules and the safety of the Town.  He said that the schedules are planned so that there is only one officer on duty per shift unless otherwise needed in certain circumstances.





He is currently working on an embezzlement case.


Mr. Hall asked about activities at the Green Mountain Shopping Plaza.  Officer Dumas said that there had been some accidents and also a break-in that was being investigated


Town Administrator – Joseph Zingale Jr.


Mr. Zingale discussed the McKinley Bridge project and upcoming dates for the project with the Board.  Currently the plan is to advertise for bids and also a Project Supervisor.  On February 23rd there will be a pre-construction meeting at 10:00 A.M. at the Town Office.  The RFPs’ are due to the Town by 3/5/2010 and will be opened on 3/9/2010.  Mr. Zingale needs to enter these dates on a form to e-mail to the State.  Maps will be available for the project and Mr. Zingale can check with Repographics on what would be an appropriate charge for these.


Mr. Zingale said he needs a Board member to approve the paperwork before it is sent to the State.  Mr. Rhodes suggested a meeting before the next scheduled meeting of the Board.


Mr. Zingale showed a map and pictures of a flood plain violation by Chris Wilk at the junction of Business Route 4W and the West Proctor Road.  The Town’s Zoning Board of Adjustment has not received sufficient information from Mr. Wilk in order to give him a permit.  Mr. Zingale will issue a notice of violation which could lead to monetary fines.  Mr. Dicton said that the Zoning Board of Adjustment should meet ASAP to decide on a recommendation to present to the Select Board to resolve the problem.


Another violation was presented by Mr. Zingale of a business on Route 4E that put up a number on their building that coincides with Woodstock Avenue instead of Route 4E.  This was reported by the 911 Board when first responders could not locate the building when called.  The business has since put on the correct number of 43 that coincides with addresses on Route 4E but have not taken down the incorrect number as they said they have business cards, etc. made out with that address.  Mr. Zingale said the number has to come down.


Mr. Matteson and Mr. Zingale are on the Route 7 Corridor Plan Committee.  Mr. Zingale said that there are some issues that the Select Board may want to address in the written draft.  Mr. Hall will get together with Mr.Zingale and reword the parts that they do not agree with and then get Mr. Matteson’s input.  These issues include loss of curb cuts and the inability to receive permission for a curb cut for future businesses.  Mr. Hall said that he felt these issues should have been discussed at the meetings that were held on the plan.









The Army Reserves, who plan to build on Post Road, want the Town to maintain a new road they will be building.  Since they are not a taxpayer, the Town is adverse to this idea.  Mr. Zingale looked into the possibility of payment in lieu of taxes and the Army Reserves is not allowed to do this. He said that perhaps the Planning Commission can request an escrow account for maintenance of the road when the Reserves come before the Commission.  Mr. Dicton brought up the wear and tear to Post Road from all the heavy vehicles that will be going in and out of the facility.  It is also unknown if they will need an Act 250 permit being a government organization.


Mr. Zingale brought up the possibility of changing mapping services for the Town. Currently, Russell Graphics does these updates but is located in North Carolina.  They charge $3,000 a year and there are often mistakes and they are not able to link to the Grand List.  He suggested that the Town do business with Harry Rouche, who used to work for the State and now has a private business.  The advantage to this is that he will be able to link the maps to the Grand List.  The initial outlay of money would be somewhere between $3,600 and $6,300 and then $2,000 per year thereafter.  They are doing maps for other towns.  Howard Burgess, the Town Lister, would like to see this change as he is familiar with working with Mr. Rouche and the linkage to the Grand List would help him and Mr. Zingale in their daily duties.  Mr. Zingale would also have digital coverage as well.  Mr. Dicton and Mr. Rhodes said they would like to see some of Mr. Rouche’s work before deciding.  


The Clarendon Planning Commission has invited the Select Board and the Rutland Town Planning Commission to a meeting on February 15th at 6:30 P.M. concerning the Airport Zoning Commission.  Since this is a holiday, Mr. Zingale will check the date with Clarendon.


There is a proposal to move the CV College to Tenny Brook Plaza.  This may increase traffic in the area.


The State’s storm water regulations along Otter Creek may include Rutland Town.  The new regulations will determine what kind of run-off is allowed.  Mr. Nicholson said that this is being driven by the Federal government.


The emergency light on the sewer pump on Post Road came on and it was determined that the conduit housing the wiring has been compromised and the new wiring is required.  Currently one pump is servicing the area.  If the Army Reserves moves onto Post Road, then a third pump may be needed.  Mr. Zingale said that perhaps the Army Reserves can help out with the cost of this.









The South End sewer line has been cleaned up from a grease clog.  However, there have been other incidences in the past so Mr. Zingale has asked that Tom Gallipo monitor the flow every other day for a while.  He will be paid out of the sewer account.  There are six restaurants that use this line.  Mr. Zingale said he would like to start monitoring the grease traps at the restaurants to make sure they are properly emptied and are of sufficient size.  An alarm system may also be needed at the restaurants which would cost them money.  At the risk of antagonizing the businesses, it may also be necessary to charge fines if they do not comply with what is needed.


Mr. Dicton motioned to go into executive session to discuss the appraisal on the land near the Cheney Hill Cemetery.  Mr. Hall seconded the motion.  All approved and they went into executive session at 8:50 P.M.


At 9:05 P. M., the Select Board was out of executive session.  Mr. Zingale will send out letters to abutters of the land in question.




A time sheet was received for work done at the Mead tract.


There was a dog complaint from a resident on Belock Drive concerning the Bove’s dog.  The constables will handle this.


An informational letter was received from the City on the Ripley Bridge.


Mr. Terenzini motioned to end the meeting.  Mr. Hall seconded the motion.  All were in approval. The meeting ended at 9:08 P.M.




























