March 2, 2009




Board members present: Steven Hawley, James Hall, Stanley Rhodes III, Richard     Del Bianco and Joshua Terenzini.


The Meeting opened at 6:00 P.M. The Board signed orders.


The Board and those in attendance recited the pledge of allegiance.


The Board reviewed the February 17, 2009 minutes. Mr. Hall moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Terenzini made a second to the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Town representative to SWAC, Mr. Charlie Shields reported:



Town representative to the Rutland Regional Transportation Council, Mr. Charlie Shields reported:







The Board discussed the fact that new development in the Town of Rutland generates new revenues to the City of Rutland.


Town Fire Chief, Mr. Joe Denardo reported:







Town Police Chief, Mr. John Sly reported:



Mr. Hall reminded Chief Sly that he is to submit a list of all the department’s equipment to the Board. Mr. Sly said he would have the information available before the end of the month. Mr. Sly thanked the Board for being patient.


Town Clerk & Treasurer, Ms. Marie Hyjek reported:



Town Administrator, Mr. Joseph Zingale Jr., reported:





The Board reviewed and signed the Certificate of Compliance for Town Roads and Bridge Standards form. Mr. Hawley moved to sign the form. Mr. Terenzini made a second to the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Terenzini moved to approve the Liquor & Tobacco Licenses for the Midway Oil Corp. and the Holiday Inn. Mr. Hall made a second to the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


The Board discussed the February 18 Local Government Day, which Mr. Hall attended at the State legislature. Mr. Hall said everyone should tell the State “not to raise taxes.”


The Board decided to review the proposed Zoning Regulations at the next meeting.


Mr. Hawley moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Terenzini made a second to the motion. The motion passed unanimously.