April 13, 2010





The meeting opened at 6:50 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Board members present:  James Hall, Steve Hawley, Stanley Rhodes III and Josh Terenzini.




Mr. Rhodes read a letter from Selectman Joe Dicton in which he resigned for personal reasons.  Mr. Hall motioned to accept Mr. Dicton’s resignation with regret and Mr. Terenzini seconded the motion.  All were in approval.


Mr. Hall suggested writing a letter of appreciation to Mr. Dicton and having Mr. Rhodes sign it for the Select Board.


Mr. Hawley said they should accept letters of inquiry/intent.  Mr. Rhodes said the position would be posted in the Rutland Herald and two other places as required.  He added that there were two people who ran for the position in March that may still be interested.  He hoped to make a decision at the next Select Board meeting.


Review of the 3/30/2010 Minutes


Mr. Hawley mentioned that on Page 3, under the Highway section, the sweeper is for sale, not the loader.  On Page 5, under Recreation, the person to contact at GE for volunteers is Rod Ward.  On Page 7, under the Select Board Committee for scholarships, the names listed should be Mr. Hawley, Mr. Hall and Mr. Zingale.  Mr. Terenzini motioned to accept the minutes with these changes and Mr. Hall seconded the motion.  All were in approval.


Questions from the Floor


Linda Johnson, a long time resident of Rutland Town, was present to discuss a petition she and others are circulating to ask the Post Office to relocate back to Center Rutland.  She just wanted to make the Select Board aware of what she was doing.


Dean Russell, of Russell Graphics, was present to discuss the future of mapping for Rutland Town. He passed out a list of the towns in Vermont that he currently has as clients.  He has done the mapping for Rutland Town for twenty-four years and the Town has been looking into another company that can host a website to be used by not only Town employees but the general public as well.  The new company will also link the maps to the Grand List.  Mr. Russell is working on a shape file that will be a part of achieving these steps.


Mr. Burgess, the Rutland Town Lister, said he would want to make sure we will not lose anything we already have by switching to another company, for example, measurements on the maps.  Mr. Russell said that not all companies have the companion book he makes up with deed information to accompany the maps.  Ms. Hyjek added her concern for not losing what we currently have as she said people can come in and do their own research and copy maps.


Mr. Zingale said that Harry Rouche, from the new company (IVS) being considered, used to work for the State and is very knowledgeable.  Mr. Zingale said the main reason to switch companies is of get the link to the Grand List and have GIS (Geological Information System). The new company would charge about $3,600 vs. $6,000 and be able to host the Town’s parcels maps as well.  He said that in the past there has been incorrect ownership information on some of the maps.  The Board asked that Mr. Zingale get a sample of an IVS map.


SWAC – Charlie Shields


The Rutland County Solid Waste District made up a newsletter that included hazardous waste dates.  It also listed ways of getting rid of batteries, paints, etc.  Mr. Shields said that Rutland Town has a very good relationship with RCSWD.


Mr. Shields asked Mr. Terenzini to get him signs to post at the Transfer Station for Hazardous Waste Day which is May 22.


Town Clerk/Treasurer – Marie Hyjek


Ms. Hyjek reported that she had some liquor licenses for the Board to sign.


Mr. Zingale said that Ethan Abatiell, of Green Mountain Boys, says the State requires that he have a letter from the Town saying it is okay for him to transfer his liquor license to his new facility. Ms. Hyjek and Mr. Zingale will prepare the letter.


Mr. Rhodes said that before the Board signs the license for Smokey’s Barb-B-Q he wants John Sly to look into it.


Fred Nicholson – Rutland Regional Planning Commission


The Finance Committee of the RRPC met this evening and planning grants have been eliminated.  The RRPC is taking a 10% cut in addition to last year’s 13%.


On  5/28/2010, there will be a workshop for all town officials.  The RRPC will reimburse attendance for this up to $500.  Mr. Matteson said that he thought this included the Planning Commission’s training.  They will check their budgets.







Mr. Nicholson said people are upset about the "Challenge for Change" suggested by consultants hired by the State.  They are trying to save thirty-eight million dollars with no input from the municipalities.  The Regional Planning Commissions plan to get together with the consultants and the legislature to discuss the issue.


Jim Hall asked how transportation fits in to this plan.  Mr. Nicholson said it has not been mentioned as yet.  Mr. Hall said that he thought there is a Federal regulation concerning transportation.


Mr. Nicholson said that Rutland County is the only county in Vermont where the Transportation Council stands alone and is not part of the Regional Planning Commission.


Highway - Byron Hathaway


Green-up Day bags are due in this week and will be available at the Transfer Station or the Town Office.


Quite a bit of top soil has been accumulated and Mr. Hathaway has solicited bids for screening it.  The Quirk Brothers bid was $1,375, the McKirryher bid was $1,700 and the Clayton Williams bid was $10,000.  Mr. Hall motioned to accept the Quirk Brothers bid.  Mr. Terenzini seconded the motion.  All were in approval.


Rutland Town Planning Commission - Bill Matteson


The Planning Commission had a sketch plan hearing for the Nordic Motel on 4/1/210.

They also had a final four-lot subdivision hearing for Ted Hubbard Jr. on the same date.

Mr. Hathaway approved of the driveways being planned for this subdivision.


John Van Hoesen, a professor at Green Mountain College, is scheduled to give a presentation on a study he did for the Town and State on ground water and depth of bedrock at the next Planning Commission meeting.  Mr. Matteson said that the Town may want to use some of this information to protect some areas.


Mr. Matteson asked Mr. Nicholson if the Rutland Town Plan had been approved by the Rutland Regional Planning Commission and Mr. Nicholson said it is on the agenda for the next meeting.


Mr. Matteson said that the annual organizational meeting to elect chair and vice-chair will be held at the next regular scheduled meeting of the Rutland Town Planning Commission.


On Saturday, April 10th, Mr. Matteson and other volunteers from the Kiwanis Club, did an energy assessment on a couple of houses in Rutland Town.  The next step would be to have a full energy audit at the cost of about $400-$500.  Another energy assessment will be performed on Saturday, April 17th.








Mr. Zingale gave Mr. Hathaway a drawing for a foundation for the new sign in honor of Mr. Richard J. DelBianco at Dewey Field.  Mr. Hathaway wanted to know where to put the foundation.  Mr. Zingale said that Rick DelBianco and Mr. Socinski will determine the location for the granite sign.  Mr. Zingale said he would like to have a formal dedication.


Town Administrator - Joseph Zingale Jr.


Mr. Zingale reported that the State of Vermont is cracking down on freon in local transfer stations. Tim Hubbard says that the Town could segregate the appliances with freon and the Hubbards will take care of removing the freon or they could take all appliances, remove the freon from those that have it, and then keep the profits from the sale of metal.  Mr. Hawley suggested keeping a log of the amount of appliances accumulated for a period of one year.


Fairpoint Communications is putting in equipment on the East Pittsford Road on the Charlotte Fenton property.  Mr. Zingale said that it will not be in the Town's right of way.


Tom Gallipo and Mr. Zingale checked the south-end sewer and it looked good.  Mr. Zingale said a couple of lines may need to be cleaned.  He delivered notices to stores/restaurants that use the sewer concerning their responsibilities in what they should be putting down the drain.


The Army Reserves will have contractors visiting the proposed site on May 15-20.  The projected completion date is June of 2011.  Retention ponds are being built.  Mr. Matteson said there will need to be a subdivision.  A curb cut permit will be needed and the Thomases will have to apply for one.


Mr. Zingale said that Mr. Jones from the State Tax Department misspoke for the article that was in the Rutland Herald concerning the 1% Options Tax.  Stores who haven't been paying haven't been charging the extra one percent.  It is against State law to collect a tax and not have it on the receipt.


Mr. Zingale reminded Mr. Hathaway and Mr. Hall, members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment for Flood Hazard Regulations, that they have not yet received necessary paperwork from Mr. Wilk concerning his violation.  Mr. Wilk has raised the walls and put is lumber inside, however.


Mr. Zingale asked the Board for guidance on the easement for Verizon for some equipment they are installing.  He wondered if a subdivision was needed. Mr. Rhodes said he needs to see a map and get more information.  Mr. Zingale said they should be invited to the Planning Commission meeting as a courtesy.


The Town Office chimney had only one bidder, Tedesco, for $10,200.  The Board decided to put it out for bid again.





The Intergovernmental US 7 Corridor Management Agreement will be discussed at the next meeting.  Mr. Zingale will get Mr. Matteson a copy of the document.


There will be an inter-municipal meeting on the Moon Brook Storm Water run-off and Mr. Hall, Mr. Terenzini and Mr. Rhodes will attend.



Praticos' Fencing gave an estimate for repairs on the fence surrounding the generator at the school for $1,420 with a guarantee.  Mr. Terenzini motioned to accept the proposal and Mr. Hawley seconded the motion.  All were in approval.


At 8:05 P.M. Mr. Hall motioned to go into executive session to discuss timber issues with Bob Burt and the McKinley Bridge project with Mr. Hathaway.  Mr. Hawley seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.




























