MINUTES: August 27, 2013

Board members present: Steve Hawley, Don Chioffi, John Paul Faignant, Stanley F. Rhodes III and Joe Dicton

The Meeting opened at 6:50 P.M.

All rose for the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag.

The Board reviewed the minutes of August 20, 2013. Mr. Hawley moved to approve the minutes as printed. Mr. Chioffi made a second to the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 0. Mr. Dicton abstained from the vote.

The Board reviewed the minutes of August 13, 2013. Mr. Chioffi told Mr. Rhodes that he has a problem with the last page. Mr. Chioffi said he would like the essence of the full discussion on the Johnson Energy Corporation in the minutes.

Mr. Chioffi said he would like the full discussion as oppose to “the Board discussed the matter further”. Mr. Chioffi said he thought he and the Board had had a fairly significant discussion. He said Mr. Zingale might have done it because it is at the end of the meeting.

Mr. Rhodes said technically, the minutes are to reflect actions taken. Mr. Rhodes said he understands there was in depth discussion. Mr. Rhodes said if everything that is said is written down then the minutes would be 30 pages.

Mr. Chioffi told Mr. Rhodes that it is either all or nothing. Mr. Chioffi told Mr. Rhodes that in the nine pages of minutes there is routine or regular matters that go into much more detail and description than the discussion he cited. Mr. Chioffi said his discussion was more significant.

Mr. Chioffi said if you are going to set a priority thing then this warrants a full description certainly as much as the other items that are in there. Mr. Rhodes asked Mr. Chioffi if he wanted to write something to be included. Mr. Chioffi said he did not want to write the matter up.

He said he just wants what was said at the meeting to be in the minutes. He said he would not sign the minutes until what was said at the meeting is in the minutes, because it is a record of the meeting. Mr. Rhodes asked Mr. Zingale how long the video is kept. Mr. Zingale said forever.

Mr. Chioffi said it is a discretionary matter that Mr. Zingale makes. Mr. Rhodes said it is hard for Mr. Zingale to say how much of this do I put in or how much of that do I put in. There was more discussion. Mr. Chioffi said he wants his discussion added to the minutes.

Mr. Rhodes asked Board members if it is okay for Mr. Zingale to review the video. Mr. Dicton said he does not think it is necessary for Mr. Zingale to review the video. Mr. Faignant asked Mr. Rhodes if the Board does business by motion. Mr. Rhodes said the Board generally does so. Mr. Faignant question why the matter is being treated differently.

Mr. Chioffi suggested the Board does not want his comments included in the minutes because he was critical to the discussion and that he was opposed to giving up the easement without receiving something in return and because the discussion was between Mr. Faignant and himself. Mr. Chioffi charged that the Board is selectively screening out his comments. He said such action is inappropriate nor does it serve the public well. So there, that’s what I'm saying.

Mr. Chioffi again claimed that by not including his comments the Board was selectively editing the minutes on a very specific issue. Mr. Rhodes said he does not think Mr. Zingale did anything on purpose. Mr. Chioffi said Mr. Zingale does not have a problem adding the discussion to he minutes.

Mr. Rhodes told Mr. Chioffi that Mr. Zingale works for the Board and that it is up for the Board to tell him what to do. There was more discussion. Mr. Chioffi said the minutes need to be corrected. Mr. Dicton asked Mr. Chioffi why the minutes need to be corrected. Mr. Chioffi said because they are not complete.

Mr. Chioffi said the minutes need to be corrected because the content is wrong because it is incomplete. Mr. Dicton said the content is not wrong. Mr. Chioffi again stated that the content is wrong.

Mr. Hawley said that on page 2 Mr. Rowe's last name is spelled incorrectly. Mr. Hawley said on page # 9 the vote should read 3 to 1 to 1. Mr. Hawley moved to approve the August 13, 2013 minutes as corrected. Mr. Rhodes made a second to the motion. Mr. Chioffi said he does not think it shows any courtesy at all to fellow Board members. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 1. Mr. Chioffi voted in the negative.

Town resident Mr. James W. Snee Jr. met with the Board and discussed his thoughts regarding the proposed upgrade of the Quarterline Road. Mr. Rhodes acknowledged that the Board had received Mr. Snee's letter on the matter.

Mr. Hawley read Mr. Snee letter. Mr. Hathaway said the Road should be constructed to Town road standards. He said the Town should not build a road differently in one area than it does in another area.

Mr. Dicton said he understands the Snee's desire to keep a beautiful road. However, he said the road would have to be brought up to specification if it is going to be improved. Mr. Rhodes cited the Town's road acceptance policy. He told Mr. Snee that any new road would have to meet the Town's standard.

Mr. Snee told the Board he previously voted against paving the Quarterline Road. Mr. Snee said his only problem with the road is the dust. He requested the Town do more to control the dust from the road. Mr. Snee said he is satisfied with the existing road and does not see the need to pave the road. Mr. Snee said upgrading and paving the road will make the road look like the roads he left when he moved from New Jersey.

Mr. Nicholson told the Board that FEMA will not provide help to towns that do not enforce their codes and standards. Mr. Nicholson said not upgrading and paving the road could be very costly in the future for the Town.

Mr. Howard Burgess presented several small personal property accounts that have been closed and requested the Board remove the accounts from the Grand List. Mr. Dicton moved to delete the 8 personal property accounts that have been closed and removed from the Grand List. Mr. Dicton said there are eight accounts. Mr. Faignant made a second to the motion. Mr. Rhodes said it looks like the amount is under $110.00. He said some of the accounts range from $2.22 to $65.76. The motion passed by a vote of 4 – 0-1. Mr. Chioffi abstained from the vote because his wife is a Lister.

Clerk& Treasurer: Ms. Marie Hyjek reported:

  1. Told the Board she had given them the latest 1% Local Option Tax wire transfer from the State of Vermont.

  2. The 2013 Tax appeals are scheduled for October. Ms. Hyjek told the Board there are a total of 14 tax appeals. The appeals includes both businesses and homeowners.

  3. Told the Board there are still two remaining tax appeals from 2012.

  4. Property taxes are starting to come in. Told the Board the normal ad will run in the paper for five consecutive days. Mr. Chioffi asked for clarification regarding the various tax appeals. Ms. Hyjek said the appeals to which Mr. Chioffi was referring have been done.

  5. Told the Board she expects the next big State download after October 16, 2013. She said this means that anyone expecting a credit for this year, needs to pay on September 10th, if they don't have it by the due date. She said it would be adjusted accordingly on the next two payments.

  6. Ms. Hyjek said she expects a huge amount of revised tax bills will be required. Ms. Hyjek said a number of people were listed as non residential when they should have been listed as residential. She said each bill will be processed manually because the software will not do it. She said the problem is because the homeowner did not file their homestead declaration in a timely fashion.

  1. Transportation Council & SWAC: Mr. Charles Shields reported:

    No Meeting, no report

Regional Planning Commission Mr. Fred Nicholson reported:

No meeting, no report

    Town Road Commissioner: Mr. Byron Hathaway reported:

          Mr. Rhodes asked Mr. Hathaway to check in with Mr. Bartlett on Elbern Avenue regarding a tree matter. Mr. Rhodes asked if the tree stump is in the road R-O-W. Mr. Hathaway said the stump is probably on the edge of the R-O-W. Mr. Rhodes said he recalls the Board decided to do nothing in the matter several months ago. Mr. Chioffi agreed.

          Mr. Rhodes asked Mr. Hathaway to meet with Mr. Bartlett and explain that the Board is not going to take any action.

                  1. Mr. Hathaway cited the fact the tree bids are scheduled to be opened at the meeting.

                      2. Mr. Hathaway informed the Board that research has determined the Quarterline Road is a four rod road. He said it is a matter of establishing the Rutland Town and the Clarendon line on the Quarterline Road then measuring and making the necessary corrections for 42 degrees east. He said he would then survey the road within the R-O-W.

                      Mr. Hathaway estimated the cost of doing a professional survey between three to seven thousand dollars. Mr. Hathaway said he currently does not have the money in the budget to cover the cost. Mr. Hathaway recommend waiting until spring before making a decision on the road upgrade matter. He also said the Board could make a budget for the project for next year.

Captain Ted Washburn & Chief Ed Dumas reported:

  1. Reporting from 8-9-13 to 8-27-13

  2. 18 calls for service,236 calls total for year

  3. Listed the types of calls to which the Department responded

  4. 16 cases were closed, one resulted in an arrest

  5. 6 motor vehicle stops, one $158 .00 ticket issued

  6. 55 hours patrol time, 25 hours administrative

    Mr. Washburn asked motorist to use safety when driving through the school zone, he cited the fact school is open. He said the Town has a policy of zero tolerance policy on speeding in the zone. He said if you are stopped for speeding you are going to get a ticket.

    Mr. Washburn thanked Mr. Zingale and Mr. Hathaway for the information they provided regarding the accident involving Mr. Tom Gerdon.

    Mr. Rhodes asked Mr. Washburn if two miles over the speed limit in the school zone would be tolerated Mr. Washburn said it would probably be 30 m.p.h. and up. Mr. Chioffi said his personal feeling is there should be no tolerance in the school zone.

    Mr. Washburn cited the fact that Town law enforcement was also involved in a recent incident involving an individual with a gun fleeing the Diamond Run mall. He said the Rutland Herald did not mention the Town's involvement.

Recreation Director: Mr. Mike Rowe reported:

  1. The pool is closed for the season. Mr. Rowe said it was a productive season.

  2. Soccer is underway. Registration is on-going

  3. Explained the pay amount was larger because he added two days of labor, rather than waiting two weeks to submit the pay request.

The Board received questions from those required to sign the Town of Rutland Personnel Manual. Mr. Faignant told those in attendance that back in the 1990's when he was on the Board, the Town attorney was commissioned to draft a Town Personnel Policy. He said for what ever reason it was never acted on by the Board.

He said it was taken off the shelf recently and that he had spoken with the Town Attorney and that he took it upon himself to add the stuff that had come to pass, recently. He said there is a lot of standard policy that has to be in a personnel policy.

He cited discrimination and worker compensation type information. He said the document in front of individuals now has been adopted by the Board as a starting point.

Mr. Faignant encouraged Department Heads to put in writing any inconsistencies they find in the policy manual.

Question: Presently the Highway Department works 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM with half hour lunch. Can the Highway Department work from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM with a half hour lunch but go home at 3:00 PM resulting in a 7.5 hour work day? Mr. Faignant said no. He said the policy is not intended to change the status quo that was in effect at the time of adoption. He said if Mr. Hathaway would submit the tune-up of Highway hours to the Board, the Board would add it (the tune-up) and then the Highway department hours are what they are as of now.

Mr. Chioffi asked how the Board went from an 8 hour day to a 7.5 hour day. Mr. Faignant said it wasn't in the first draft but that it got into the second draft. He said he did not know how it got there. Mr. Chioffi asked if the 8 hour work day applies to all town employees, he cited Mr. Zingale. Mr. Faignant said it does.

Mr. Zingale told the Board that when he was made full time in 1986 the Town was instructed by VLCT that employees had to have a one hour lunch. Mr. Faignant said he could check into the matter.

Question: Under gratuities and gifts, must we now turn down offers of a new hat, is there a threshold? Mr. Dicton said there should be a dollar figure. Mr. Rhodes said it should be discretionary. Faignant said he thinks it is discretionary. He said a new hat would be okay but that a new Lincoln Continental would raise suspicion.

Question: Who will do the performance evaluations? Mr. Faignant said it should be by the department head except for Mr. Zingale who reports to the Board.

Question: What is the Vermont Public records law? Mr. Faignant said no emails should be deleted if they involve work.

Mr. Chioffi cited the fact the policy does not have any evaluation forms. Mr. Faignant said they would have to be developed. Mr. Chioffi said there is not a performance review period specified. He said the Board does not know when evaluations are made and what criteria will be used. Mr. Chioffi cited other issues regarding the evaluation procedure.

Question: Is sick time to be used on hourly bases, quarter day or a half day? Can employees accumulate more than 20 sick days? Mr. Faignant said an employee can carry forward 20 days for a total of 30 days. He said the 30 day number did not make its way into the final draft. He said the Board would have to discuss how a sick day can be used before Mr. Hathaway has an answer to his question. Mr. Chioffi cited the fact that his copy of the Personnel Policy says a maximum of 10 sick days can be carried over. Mr. Faignant said the approved version is a 20 day carry over. Mr. Faignant said it should read a maximum of 20 days. Mr. Chioffi agreed. Mr. Chioffi explained how banking sick days could work. Mr. Faignant said sick days could be shared with other employees.

Question: How is the Employee's “date of hire” “Year” determined. Mr. Faignant said it has to be the date of hire. There was more discussion. Mr. Faignant said the Board would take a look at the issue. Mr. Faignant said no one will lose any time.

Question: Whom is Mr. Zingale's Supervisor? Mr. Faignant said the Board is Mr. Zingale's Supervisor and that the Board acts on a majority vote. Mr. Faignant said a “Supervisor” would report to the Board, as well.

Question: Request for clarification as to acceptance of “gratuities and gifts”. Specifically, would accepting a free lunch be a problem. Mr. Faignant said to use discretion. He cited the example of a Lincoln parked in Mr. Zingale's yard as a problem. He said if you think it is something that could influence you, then you should decline. Mr. Dicton suggested employees declare they had a free dinner by submitting a declaration statement to the Board. Mr. Dicton suggested the Board set a dollar amount. Mr. Dicton said if the item is more than $75.00 it has to be declared to the Board. The Board will consider the matter.

Question: What is a “direct” & “indirect”,personal conflict of interest? Mr. Faignant said if it makes you feel uncomfortable then you should perceive it as a conflict.

Question: Regarding political activity, what does “so long as these views are clearly articulated” mean? Mr. Faignant said as long as an individual is speaking in a personal capacity the individual does not have to acknowledge they are not speaking as a Town employee, no disclaimer is required. Mr. Chioffi said during working hours no employee can express a personal opinion, no matter what the matter. He said during non-working hours employees are entitled to express personal views.

Question: Whom will maintain the personnel records and will they be maintained in an electronic or paper format or both? Mr. Faignant said the Department Heads would maintain the records, which would be kept in a central file at the Town office. He said he expects Mr. Zingale would be involved in maintaining the records.

Question: The section regarding “Use of Town Equipment” refers to “Section 23”. There is no “Section 23”, the document is not organized into sections. Can employees take Town computer equipment home? Mr. Chioffi said yes provided the information is used for Town purposes and not private use. Who would determine if an employee is responsible for any damage caused by unauthorized software or viruses? Mr. Faignant said it would depend on the circumstances.

Question & request: Would the Board consider the inclusion of a “fragrance” policy in the Personnel Manual? Mr. Zingale told the Board he believes the Personnel Policy would be the place to include a fragrance policy. Mr. Zingale told the Board that he suffers from asthma and allergies and that he has physical difficulties breathing when exposed to fragrances indoors. He said in a closed up room with no ventilation it is hard to function. Mr. Faignant said VLCT does not have a model fragrance policy, yet. He said it is an emerging area. Mr. Faignant suggested Mr. Zingale proposed some language and submit it to the Board. Mr. Rhodes said to just ask Mr. Hathaway to back off the ax cologne. Mr. Chioffi suggested Mr. Zingale might ask Mr. Denardo to change his cloths before entering the Town office, if he (Mr. Denardo) has been working. Mr. Zingale said he would not do so. He said he would be fine if he were near an open window or if the building had proper ventilation. Mr. Chioffi said maybe VLCT has not developed a fragrance policy because it can be a very dangerous area. Mr. Chioffi cited an incident involving a low level employee at OMYA which resulted in the carpeting being replaced and the room repainted with approved paint as well as other modifications. He estimated it cost about $100,000.00 to make the changes that the OMYA employee demanded. He said it is a difficult thing to weave through and to satisfy all concerns and also protect the taxpayers. He said the Town could provide reasonable measures like ventilation.

Ms. Mary Ashcroft, who is a Justice of the Peace and a Ballot Clerk, asked the Board if the new Personnel Policy means she can no longer accept payment for performing a marriage ceremony. Mr. Faignant said anybody who gets a paycheck from the Town of Rutland would subscribe to the philosophies and policies that are stated in the document. He said individuals are asked to sign to acknowledge receipt and that you will follow the manual.

Mr. Faignant said the policy would not apply to a Justice of the Peace getting paid for performing a marriage ceremony. He said marrying someone is not a Town function. Ms. Ashcroft said the policy seems more for people hired by the Town and not people elected in Town. Mr. Faignant said the policy would apply when Ms. Ashcroft is on the Board of Civil Adjustment (BCA). Mr. Faignant said Ms. Ashcroft could submit any comments she may have and that the Board would consider the matter.

Mr. Faignant said from what he has been able to find, an elected individual is not exempt from the policies of the Town. He said that is why everyone was included. He said the Board wants everybody to be user friendly and know what the policies are and to live my them. Ms. Ashcroft cited the fact that as a Ballot Clerk she takes and oath to do right by all persons, every time.

Mr. Chioffi said Ms. Ashcroft makes a good point. He said in terms of enforcement and or evaluation or performance evaluation, of which we have none because we have not developed any yet. As far as any adherence to the policy or as far as any authority to make somebody comply with the policy the statutes are pretty specific.

He said Vermont law does not give local elected officials the authority to tell another elected official how perform the duties of their office or give them any discretionary disciplinary authority over those elected officials. Mr. Chioffi said as constitutional officers, which the Board is because they are elected, they don't have to comply. He said we are not compelled by any authority to comply. He said Board members should want to comply. Mr. Chioffi made additional comments, including citing actions of the Vermont Supreme Court.

Mr. Dicton questioned how the Board would discipline a rogue elected official. Mr. Chioffi said, you don't. Mr. Faignant said there are statutes that allow the legislative body to centure one of its own.

There was more discussion. After encouraging anyone to submit their comments regarding the policy to the Board, Mr. Faignant said it was a herculean effort to get the document before the Board. Mr. Faignant said the policy could be knit-picked to death. Ms. Ashcroft said it is more than just knit-picking.

After citing the fact the Personnel Policy is in place Mr. Nicholson said Mr. Chioffi should refer to the forth paragraph on page twelve regarding and his comment in public for all of us to hear regarding the personal hygiene of the Fire Chief. Mr. Nicholson said the comment is a violation of the policy.

Mr. Chioffi said it had nothing to do with personal hygiene. Mr. Chioffi said that he stated that the Fire Chief would be in violation of the policy (he cited the fact the Fire Chief is a farmer) if he came in here and violated some fragrance policy. He said the chief would be subject to the rules the Board came up with for a fragrance violation.

Mr. Nicholson said there is no place for Mr. Chioffi's comments and he disagreed with Mr. Chioffi’s recollection as to what he ( Mr. Chioffi ) had said. Mr. Chioffi said this is the extent that having a fragrance policy leads you to in a room. You have to be very careful when you develop something like that, according to Mr. Chioffi. He said your beneficial fragrance may be my displeasing one, okay.

Ms. Hyjek cited the fact that the Personnel Policy gives employees Town Meeting in March off as a holiday. She told the Board that no one has taken the day off during her time with the Town. The matter was discussed and Ms. Hyjek was encouraged to submit her request for a floating Holiday.

Ms. Hyjek said the wording regarding bereavement leave is vague because it says “or any other relative”. Mr. Dicton said his company is very specific regarding whom and how far it can go. Mr. Chioffi said it should read they get three leave days for any relative, period. He said the bereavement benefit is for each instance. Mr. Hawley said the Board needs to define what is a close relative.

Mr. Burgess asked whom he should notify if he is sick and can not work. Ms. Hyjek said Mr. Burgess and Mr. Zingale call and notify her office. Ms. Marcia Chioffi said that according to State statute all Listers are equal. Ms. Chioffi said if Mr. Burgess is unable to work either she or Mr. Dean Davis could come in and take over.

Mr. Burgess said there is not much the Board can do to discipline a Lister. He said the Board could hold their pay. Citing “municipal law basics” Ms. Chioffi said the Board can not require a member to step down. Ms. Chioffi said an elected official can only be replaced if they resign, die or are convicted for embezzlement.

Mr. Hawley encouraged anyone with any proposed changes to submit them in writing to the Board.

Mr. Leigh Adams cited the fact that an employee is required to report sexual harassment to the Board Chairman. Mr. Adams said this would be a problem if the Chairman was the subject of the complaint. He said there should be a committee of two or three and not just one individual. Mr. Chioffi said the matter would go to the full Board. Mr. Adams suggested the Board compare the School Board's policy to the select Board's policy. Mr. Chioffi said the language can be changed to read that a letter is to be sent to the Board. Mr. Chioffi suggested the Board include job descriptions in the manual. Ms. Chioffi said the Secretary of State's office has a list of town officials duties on their web site.

Mr. Chioffi cited another section in the policy which directs an individual to contact the Chairman rather than the Board. He said the language should be changed to read 'board'.

Mr. Chioffi told Mr. Faignant that he has left elected officials with no choice other than to either not sign it (the Personnel Policy) and say we're not going to comply or sign it. He said there is no signing saying you received it. Mr. Faignant said it was not him, rather the vote of the Board.

Mr. Dicton would like enough time for revisions to be submitted before the Board schedules a meeting for review. Mr. Rhodes cited the fact the policy has already been adopted.

Town Administrator: Mr. Joseph Zingale reported:

  1. Informed the Board that Town resident Mr. Steve Gerlach would like to purchase, from the Board, the old twin cover bridges. Mr. Zingale said the he has proposed to restore and move the bridges to his property where he would store equipment in the bridges. Mr. Hathaway said a feasibility study was done and that it is feasible to fix and repair the bridge.

    Mr. Hathaway said town voters turned down the ballot item to restore the Bridge. Mr. Hathaway said the Town would have received 80% of $350,000.00 toward the cost of restoring the bridge. He said the bridge is listed on the historic registry. He told the Board that they can't arbitrarily get rid of a covered bridge. He said VTrans would probably be involved. The Board took no action on the request.

  2. Informed the Board that the Town could qualify for up to $20,000.00 to replace the slate roof on the Town Hall. The Board discussed the matter and instructed Mr. Zingale to get a couple of estimates for replacing the slate roof with a new slate roof.

  3. Informed the Board that it would cost about $1,250.00 to place water meters in five Flory Heights homes. Mr. Zingale said the price also included a device to read the meters. Mr. Zingale said the new meters would be an alternative to placing water filters in the five homes. He said the new meters are needed because there are consistent problems with the five meters plugging as a result of sand drawn from the individual's well. A new meter will be installed to see how well it works.

  4. Presented the Town's proposed Storm Water Management Plan for consideration. Mr. Zingale told the Board that the application is due at the end of the week. He told the Board that Mr. Andres Torizzo, the Town Storm Water consultant, prepared the application. Mr. Zingale told the Board that the application and a check for $1,300.00 had already been submitted to the State of Vermont.

    Mr. Zingale told the Board that the Storm Water Management Plan would require the Town to do all of the things State Representative Tom Terenzini said he did not like in the proposed shoreline legislation. He said the Town would have to regulate distance to streams and would prohibit certain uses within the buffer.

    Mr. Zingale said the Management Plan addresses; public education, community involvement and outreach as well as stream clean up by volunteers. Mr. Zingale cited the fact that the Management Plan says the Town will be adopting ordinances in order to meet the permit requirements.

    He said that both pre and post construction activities must be regulated throughout the entire town. He said the Town would have to issue permits with conditions, which would require inspections by the Town. Mr. Zingale said he hope the Board understands where everything is headed.

    Mr. Zingale told the Board that in two years the Town will be required to conduct investigations into possible illicit storm water discharges and take action if violations are discovered.

    Mr. Chioffi said it sounds like Orwell's “1984”. He said it is micro-managing functions in the Town by someone else, up there. Mr. Zingale said the regulations go back to the Richard Nixon Administration and the “Clean Water Act”. Mr. Chioffi said he does not see it as a critical thing as to the operation of the Town of Rutland. Mr. Chioffi said it is another mandate without any money to accompany it.

    Mr. Zingale told the Board he expects to receive a proposal from the Rutland Regional Planning Commission to do the educational component of the Permit requirements. He said the Town had received a $5,000.00 offer from the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission to do the work.

    Mr. Chioffi questioned what the $5,000.00 would cover. Mr. Zingale said it would cover; development of educational programs, literature, pamphlets and out reach.

  5. Mr. Zingale cited a bid proposal submitted by Mr. David White for repairing the Cheney Hill Community Center chimney. Mr. Zingale said he contacted Mr. White at the direction of Mr. Dicton, who is on the Building Committee. Mr. Rhodes questioned if the Board should get bids for the work. The Board decided to advertise for bids to repair the chimney. Mr. Rhodes said he would help prepare the notice.

  6. Mr. Zingale gave the Board an update on the status of the Post Road Pump Station Electrical panel relocation.

Fire Chief: Mr. Joe Denardo reported:

    Not present

Planning Commission: Mr. William Matteson reported:

Not present

Mr. Rhodes opened the tree cutting bids:

Vaillancourt - $ 6,600.00

Trees Inc. - $ 3,535.00

McCullough Bros. - $ 3,332.50

Mr. Chioffi made a motion to go with the McCullough low bid of $ 3,332.50. Mr. Hawley made a second to the motion. Mr. Dicton said he would like Mr. Hathaway to review the insurance for the bidders. Mr. Chioffi and Mr. Hawley amended their motion pending review of the Insurance. The motion passed unanimously.

The Board reviewed packet correspondence.

Mr. Faignant said he would like a joint meeting with the Planning Commission and the Town attorney to discuss Solar projects. Mr. Dicton cited the efforts of the local power company to push solar developments and said the Town needs to start talking about the subject.

Mr. Chioffi said the Board needs to look at the geographic area that Rutland Town represents and the intended State solar goals, and the region, and what is happening. He said the Town could put limitations on how much it has to contribute to the overall benefit of the State's goal. Mr. Nicholson cited the fact there could be a willing buyer and seller.

Mr. Chioffi said that is the problem. He said the matter should not be dictated by how many dollars there are willing to buy land in Rutland Town.

Mr. Faignant moved to close the meeting at 9:10 P.M. Mr. Dicton made a second to the motion. The motion passed unanimously.