Building / Technology Committee Minutes 4-6-2022

Building / Technology Committee Minutes 4-6-2022




The Building & Technology Committee of the Rutland Town Selectboard met at 9:00AM on Wednesday April 6th, 2022, at the Rutland Town Municipal Town Hall. Present was Board Clerk Joe Denardo, Board Member Kurt Hathaway, and Administrative Assistant Bill Sweet. There was a conference call line with a publicly accessible and warned phone number in use.

  • Reviewed the bid for Town Hall cleaning services.
    1. The new cost of $97 weekly includes cleaning windows, and our heat pump filters, and it good for 1 year.
    2. There is a provision for a 3% cost increase annually.
    3. The committee will recommend accepting the new cost for the additional services.
  • Reviewed the bid for lawn maintenance. The contractor we have had for the last 2 years sent us an updated cost structure. There is a slight cost increase in the new agreement.
    1. After some discussion the committee will recommend to the full board accepting the agreement.
  • Reviewed the bids received for electrical work at Town Hall.
    1. Bids were received from Voity Electric and Christian Electric
    2. Discussed the electrical distribution bids. Voity Electric bid on it, Christian Electric chose not to bid on this project.
      1. Discussed this being part of the planned remodel of downstairs. The timeline changed and its not clear when that could be done now.
    3. Discussed each project and compared the bids received.
      1. After some discussion, the committee will recommend having Voity Electric complete projects 2 through 5, which are a variety of lighting projects. Christian Electric will complete project 6, which is running new network cables.
      2. Project 1 will not be completed at this time.
  • Discussed the needed concrete work at Town Hall.
    1. We have not had anyone else be able to come look at our projects.
    2. Selectman Denardo and Selectman Hathaway will see if they can find someone who can do it for us.
  • Discussed the status of the driveway sealing project.
    1. The vendor is working to secure the materials he needs.
    2. It is expected to be done by June.
  • The building needs to be power washed. The committee agreed. This will be scheduled.
  • Discussed the plan to have pictures of Town Officials at Town Hall.
    1. Initial Ideas has been helping come up with a design.
    2. Decided on a 9×12 plaque which would have a 5×7 picture, Town seal, department seal where applicable, their name and title.
    3. This project has not been widely talked about so it’s not known how many people would be in favor of having their picture up.
    4. The plaques are $62.75 each. The cost of changing them if the individual is no longer in that position is minimal.
    5. This will be brought to the full board for discussion.
  • Discussed the Town Hall monument project. There have been no meetings about it.
  • Discussed the cemetery next door to Town Hall.
    1. We are going to try to get the Boy Scouts help with a cleaning project.
    2. There was discussion about having ground penetrating radar brought in to determine where the edge of the plots are so a fence can be planned in the future.
    3. Selectman Hathaway will help to try to determine who would have been able to do this for us.
  • The main water line has been replaced at Town Hall. They found a leak in our furnace room which has also been repaired.

The meeting adjourned at 9:47AM.

Respectfully submitted, Bill Sweet