Planning Commission Minutes 4-18-19




 DATE: April 18th, 2019



Present: Chair Person Barbara Noyes-Pulling, Dana Peterson, Howard Burgess, Sherman Hunter, Norman Cohen, Jerry Stearns, Mary Beth Poli, Andy McKane by phone

Approval of the Agenda:

Mr. Cohen moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business: Discussion of New Storm Water Ordinance;

  • Select Board member Mary Ashcroft was present
  • The Planning Commission is the Storm Water Commission mentioned in the ordinance.
  • The Administrative Officer mentioned in the ordinance is Bill Sweet
  • Ashcroft gave a brief overview of the genesis for this ordinance
    • It came at the suggestion of Andres Torizzo from Watershed Consulting Associates
  • A notice had previously been mailed out to properties affected by this ordinance in the town. The exact time was not known.
  • Comments on the adoption process. It’s been going on for more than a year and no recent notice has been given to affected properties.
  • A request will be passed along to the Select Board, via Mary Ashcroft about holding a hearing about the adoption of this ordinance.
  • Reviewed language relating to court proceedings and the identification of courts; civil and criminal.
  • Discussed if there was any separation between the Planning Commission and the Storm Water Commission. There are timelines in the new ordinance which would not align with regular Planning Commission meetings. There is not a definitive direction from the Select Board. Ms. Ashcroft advised a special meeting may be necessary if a deadline falls prior to the next scheduled meeting.
    • Designating time during regular meetings would be allowed.
    • Noyes-Pulling asked Ms. Ashcroft where specific training could be obtained. Suggestions of Byron Hathaway, The Town Attorney, Andres Torizzo or other sources. Ms. Ashcroft suggested VLCT as a possible source, and inquire from Andres what other towns are using something like this and use their forms as a guideline.
    • Andres would be the best point of initial contact to discuss what needs to be put into place in terms of forms and documentation.
  • Reviewed the Moon Shed Waterway area
  • Discusses provision to obtain technical assistance and the related costs. The ordinance states the applicant would be responsible for the costs.
  • Forms need to be created or adopted to comply with the requirements outlined in the ordinance
  • Bill will contact Andres to find out who the original notices were sent to and when. Determine if they should be resent and check his availability and cost to attend an upcoming Commission meeting.
  • Peterson commented on the transition of projects from the Select Board to the Planning Commission. He asked there to be better communication as to projects that would come to them which they should have coordination and input.
    • Ashcroft said the commission could request a Select Board member attend in the future if they would like

Ms. Ashcroft informed the Commission of her work on the pocket park in Center Rutland. She is meeting with Mark Youngstrom soon. A plan to start an ad hoc committee for this project is in the works and individuals will be contacted to work on it. Barbara Noyes-Pulling, Mary Beth Poli and Howard Burgess volunteered to be a part of the committee.

New Business: Commission to vote on signing a resolution in support of the Town applying for an EV charging station grant;

  • The town is applying for a grant for funding to install EV charging stations at Town Hall.
  • Part of this process requires a resolution signed by both the Select Board and the Planning Commission.
  • Various questions were asked for clarification.
    • There is no fee for the first year.
    • The town would be responsible for the electricity costs for charging
    • The total cost of the project will be about $18,000 with the town being responsible for a 10% match
  • Peterson moved to authorize Barbara to sign the resolution in support of the electric vehicle charging station. Mr. Sherman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Old Business:

A subcommittee was formed to discuss access to town property via roads only accessible via other towns. There has been no action yet. This topic will be brought up later this year.




  • Various permits from the Agency of Natural Resources have been received and were made available.

Approval of minutes 3/28/2019:

  • Peterson moved to approve. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion. After some minor changes the motion passed unanimously.


  • Peterson moved to adjourn. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM.




Respectfully submitted, Bill Sweet





Barbara Noyes-Pulling

Rutland Town Planning Commission Chair