Planning Commission Minutes 4-2-2020




 DATE: April 2nd, 2020

Held via publicly accessible conference call line


Present: Chair Person Barbara Noyes-Pulling, Dana Peterson, Howard Burgess, Norman Cohen, Andy McKane, Jerry Stearns, Mary Beth Poli

Approval of the Agenda:

Mr. Cohen moved to approve the agenda. Mr. McKane seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business: Notice of Velco public hearing on solar project

  1. The change asked for is for them to move to net metering.
  2. There was no concern from any member with this change.

New Business: Select Board reappointment of Planning Commission members

  1. The Select Board did reappoint the following members to 3-year terms
    1. Howard Burgess
    2. Sherman Hunter
    3. Andrew McKane
    4. Jerry Stearns

Old Business: Share ideas for working remotely on the next steps for Town Plan strategies and Business Route 4 recommendations

  1. Discussed if any next steps are ready to be looked at for the Business Route 4 project. Some possible topics may be included for the next meeting. The paving of Business Route 4 is on hold as of now.


  1. Noyes-Pulling communicated the spending freeze put in place by the Select Board
  2. Discussed the recent closure of Town Hall and the impact it has had on town business
  3. Discussed the Otter Creek Solar project notice. Ms. Noyes-Pulling is working on setting up a special meeting, via conference call, with the developer. This would likely be next week. Information will be sent out as soon as it is decided, and the Select Board will be invited to attend as well. The notice is due by 4-20-2020.

Approval of minutes 3-12-2020

Mr. Cohen moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Peterson seconded the motion. After some discussion the motion was amended to approve the minutes as amended. The motion passed unanimously with Mr. McKane abstaining.


Mr. Burgess moved to adjourn. Mr. Peterson seconded the motion.

The meeting adjourned at 7:08 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Bill Sweet


Barbara Noyes-Pulling

Rutland Town Planning Commission Chair