Planning Commission Minutes 5-9-19

Planning Commission 5-9-19




DATE: May 9th, 2019




Present: Chair Person Barbara Noyes-Pulling, Dana Peterson, Howard Burgess, Sherman Hunter, Mary Beth Poli, Norman Cohen

The meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance.

Approval of the Agenda:

Mr. Cohen moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Hunter seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.

New Business: Andres Torizzo, Watershed Consulting, to answer questions about the new Rutland Town Storm Water Ordinance;

  1. Torizzo provided the commission with background into the reason for the creation of the ordinance. It is a result of the MS4 permit process which is required based on population density. Act 64 also has requirements for run off control this addresses.
  2. Rutland Town is the only municipality he is aware of which falls under MS4, but that does not also have zoning.
  3. A municipal planning grant was awarded to the town which helped pay for the program.
  4. The ordinance is focused on areas in the immediate area of the river corridor. There are specific rules for work within 50’ and again 10’ of the stream bank.
  5. Reviewed what the regulated activities are in the ordinance.
  6. Discussed the appendix maps attached to the ordinance.
  7. Discussed the illicit discharge portion of the ordinance.
    1. Cited some examples of what they would be such as a washing machine hooked to a drain that ran into the river.
    2. The state funded the original study and is continuing to do so currently.
    3. Illicit discharges can be difficult to detect.
  8. Discussed notices sent to residents more than a year ago. Now that the ordinance has passed and will be in effect soon, it would be appropriate for another round to be sent to the property owners with the biggest impact.
    1. Talked about the possible advantages of a public meeting for property owners to be able to come and discuss any potential issues.
    2. There are 41 properties in the river corridor area, which has the biggest impact.
  9. Reviewed the permit process. A town specific permit does not yet exist. Bill and Andres will be working on this to have in place for June 1st.
    1. Discussed what the form should include and how the approval process would flow.
  10. Discussed some possible errors in the document for references to rules and court divisions.
    1. Cohen and Mr. Torizzo will look into them and recommend changes if necessary.
  11. Clarified that the Planning Commission will hold the title of Storm Water Commission as well.
  12. Reviewed the role the Town Road Commissioner would play in help identifying potential issues and violations.
  13. Reviewed various ways to get the word out regarding the new ordinance.
    1. It will be listed on the home page of the website, added to the Facebook page and possibly sent to the Rutland Herald.
  14. Discussed the best way to handle scheduling a meeting as the Storm Water Commission.
    1. If someone would like to meet with them, they should contact Bill to be able to be added to a future agenda to allow the committee to review any information ahead of time.
  15. A Frequently Asked Questions document will be developed to assist residents in navigating the ordinance, permit and review process.

Old Business: Select Board Public Hearings on the Energy Plan;

  1. Dates for the public hearings for the adoption of the town energy plan have been set. They will occur on May 28th and June 11th, both at 7PM during a Select Board meeting.

Old Business: Jim Donovan, to discuss the smart growth study;

  1. He has rescheduled for July 11th to discuss the study.


  1. A copy of the final draft of the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan was handed out to the commission members to review & provide feedback for possible changes. All notes are due back by June 3rd.
  2. Discussed an advanced notice received for an additional to a solar array on Mark Foleys house on East Proctor Road.
    1. This will be designated as a preferred site.
    2. The array is currently 20kw, and he is proposing to add 11.4kw and is for residential use.
    3. The addition will be adjacent to the existing array components.
    4. Foley and the developer will be invited to attend a future meeting to discuss the proposal.

Approval of minutes April 18th 2019:

  • Peterson moved to approve. Mr. Hunter seconded the motion.
  • After some discussion, some minor clerical changes were made.
  • The motion passed 6-0.


  • Hunter moved to adjourn. Mr. Burgess seconded the motion. The motion passed 6-0 and the meeting adjourned at 8:44 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Bill Sweet





Barbara Noyes-Pulling

Rutland Town Planning Commission Chair