Select Board Minutes 2-25-2020

Select Board 2-25-2020




FEBRUARY 25th, 2020


  • Board members present: Josh Terenzini, Mary Ashcroft, Joe Denardo
  • Meeting opened at 6:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance


Approval of Orders

The Board approved the orders

Approval of Select Board Minutes for February 4th, 2020:

  • Denardo moved to approve the minutes; Ms. Ashcroft seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.

Public Comment

Mr. John LaFountain of Gleason Road addressed the board with a request to use a metal detector on town owned land near the entrance on Northwood Park. The board approved his request.

Randall Smathers from the Rutland Free Library was present and addressed to the board giving a summary of the programs they offer and answered question relating to the request on the 2020 ballot. He plans on attending Town Meeting on March 2nd to answer questions form the public.

Bill Matteson, Town Representative to the Regional Planning Commission, gave the board a brief update on his attendance at meeting. More are planned soon and he will return to provide the board with more information.

Barbara Noyes-Pulling Rutland Town Planning Commission Chair:

  1. Updated the board on a clean water grant opportunity which has been applied for. It would be used to design storm water pond upgrades for the Wynnmere development. This grant would cover the full cost of design, but not any of the construction costs. The homeowners association would need to give consent for the project in writing.
    1. Verbal consent has been given, but the application requires it be in writing.
    2. Hathaway found, as part of his work looking into the town taking over Carmel Place, that a maintenance agreement exists between the Wynnmere Homeowners Association and the City of Rutland. There are possible charges in their relating to stormwater. It is not known the reason for this, but additional research and discussions need to happen to find out the purpose.
    3. Ashcroft moved to authorize Mr. Hathaway to investigate this further on behalf of the board. Mr. Denardo seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
  2. Discussed the Regional Planning Commission review of the newly adopted Town Plan. They have several suggestions and comments which will be passed along to the Town Planning Commission for review and discussion.

Bill Sweet Administrative Assistant to the Select Board:

  1. Reviewed the packet items
    1. Provided an updated schedule of meetings and committee agenda items
    2. Prevent Child Abuse VT has sent out a letter for a fundraiser. Ms. Ashcroft moved to donate $100 but only ask that 25 pinwheels be sent to us. Mr. Denardo seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
  2. Provided the board with a certification to be signed by the board closing the Grand List. Ms. Ashcroft moved to approve and sign. Mr. Denardo seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
  3. A catering company submitted a request for a liquor license for a private party later on this year. The request was shown to Chief Dumas and he had no objections to it. Mr. Denardo moved to approve the request. Ms. Ashcroft seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
  4. Provided an agreement to be signed for Stantec to test the water at the closed landfill at Northwood Park. Ms. Ashcroft moved to approve and have Josh sign on behalf of the board. Mr. Denardo seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
  5. The state forester who was working on the inventory for our land in the current use program came in today and said his work is done and will have a report to us soon. We will be able to meet the April 1st
  6. Provided a form to appoint representatives from the town to the Solid Waster Alliance. Ms. Ashcroft moved to appoint Larry Dellveneri as the primary and Bill Bauer as the alternate. Mr. Denardo seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
  7. Rosen and Berger provided a form to approve their application for recertification as a salvage yard. Ms. Ashcroft moved to approve. Mr. Denardo seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
  8. Paul Scavello, who was listed under new business, is not present and its not known if he is coming.


New Business: Board to open bids received for the Randbury Road Water Line project:

  1. 3 bids were received for the project. The bidders were
    1. Masterson Excavating
    2. DeBisschop Excavating
    3. Parker Excavating
  2. The bid from Masterson Excavating is for $219,653.50
    1. Bid alternate #1 for $11,085
    2. Bid alternate #2 for $975
  3. The bid from DeBisschop Excavating is for $256,720
    1. Bid alternate #1 for $27,400
    2. Bid alternate #2 for $6825
  4. The bid for Parker Excavating is for $299,408.34
    1. Bid alternate #1 for $8480.90
    2. Bid alternate #2 for $2782
  5. A Water and Sewer committee meeting will be scheduled soon with Robert Clark from Otter Creek Engineering to review the bids and ensure they all meet specifications

Byron Hathaway Rutland Town Road Commissioner:

  1. A Transportation Council meeting is coming up where bridge work around the county will be discussed.
  2. A reminder to residents of paving work beginning this spring on Route 7 North in the Town of Pittsford, from Town Line Equipment to the Mobil gas station at Route 3.
    1. It is likely there will be a increase in truck traffic on North Gove Street, The town PD is aware and will be watching.
  3. Repaving of Business Route 4 from the Town Office to the Route 4 highway will being April 1st.
  4. Paving bids for this summer are ready to go but are being held pending the outcome of the vote on March 3rd. A list will be brought to a committee meeting to review.
  5. Reported on a sewer back up in front of the Days Inn on Route 7 South. It was cleared but is scheduled to have an inspection with a camera. There may be some damage or other issues with the line that runs under Route 7. It is a 6” pipe under the road which is fed by 8” lines from the businesses on the East side of the road. Depending on what is found with the camera inspection some work may need to be done on this line.

Mike Rowe Rutland Town Recreation Director:

  1. Basketball season is wrapping up.
  2. Baseball signups are on the town website and people are encouraged to sign up early.
  3. The maintenance worker at Northwood Park have said they are not going to return. Some possibilities are being researched and should know by the next board meeting.


Chris Clark Rutland Town Fire Chief:

  1. Provided the board with an application for a new member.
    1. Denardo moved to approve them as a new probationary member. Ms. Ashcroft seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
    2. She would be a senior firefighter assigned to Center Rutland.
  2. A quote was received to install a water softener at the McKinley Avenue station, it would be able to be reused in a new fire station. The quote, from advanced water works, was for $3729.88. The cost would come form station maintenance. A test of the water at Center Rutland was done and it was found to be worse than the water at McKinley Avenue. A quote was received for work there in the amount of $4275.88.
    1. Ashcroft asked for a competitive pricing from another vendor to comply with the town purchasing policy and brought to the next meeting.

Ted Washburn Rutland Town Deputy Police Chief:

  1. Recent calls for service were provided.
  2. Provided the board with a copy of a cost proposal received from the Vermont State Police for dispatching services. The draft covers Police and Fire services. It would be $53.39 per call received. This would equate to approximately $56,000 annually to be paid by the Town by 2026. Their cost structure is layered in over 4 year. The cost for the fire department is currently proposed at $10,000 but would go up if call volumes increased.
    1. The town current pays $1200 per year for PD and FD combined.
    2. Denardo discussed requesting financial records showing the actual operating costs of the 2 dispatch centers.
    3. Ashcroft suggested notifying the Vermont League of Cities and Towns so they can assist with advocating for local towns against this issue.
    4. Ashcroft suggested creating a resolution, as was done in the past with solar, and gather support from other municipalities and local legislators.
  3. Deputy Chief Washburn requested an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. That will be done at the end of the meeting

Committee meeting updates:

  1. Terenzini reported on Board of Civil Authority activity leading up to the election next week. Voter turn out is expected to be over 80%.
  2. Ashcroft reminded town residents who are high school seniors that scholarship applications are available and should be completed soon. More information is in The Circle.


A liquor license application was received from th3 99 Restaurant. The Police department has no issues with the applicant. Mr. Denardo moved to approve. Ms. Ashcroft seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.


Ms. Ashcroft moved to enter executive session for a personnel matter with Deputy Police Chief Mr. Ted Washburn attending. Mr. Denardo seconded motion. The motion passed unanimously. The board entered executive session at 7:05 PM.


Upon leaving executive session, with no action being taken, Mr. Denardo moved to adjourn. Ms. Ashcroft seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:14 PM.


Respectfully submitted, Mr. Bill Sweet


Joshua C. Terenzini, Chairman
Mary Ashcroft, Clerk
John Paul Faignant
Joseph Denardo
Sharon Russell


Center Rutland, VT.