Select Board Minutes 7-9-19

Select Board 7-9-19




JULY 9TH, 2019

  • Board members present: Josh Terenzini, Mary Ashcroft, JP Faignant
  • Meeting opened at 6:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance


Approval of Orders

The Board approved the orders

Approval of Select Board Minutes for June 11th and June 25th 2019.

  1. Faignant moved to approve the minutes of June 11th, Ms. Ashcroft seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
  2. A quorum of board members was not present to approve the minutes from June 25th.

Questions from the floor / Public Comment:

  1. Howard Burgess discussed the feasibility of increasing the parking area at Dewey Field.
    1. Burgess has spoken with the current company commander Mr. Steven Dawson, based at the armory in Rutland Town on Post Road. He is very interested in getting their unit involved
    2. Dawson suggested sending a letter from the board to the Army Reserve requesting them to take on the project of increasing the parking lot area at Dewey field. They could provide the planning, engineering and equipment.
    3. The goal would be to provide sufficient parking to be able to eliminate the parking along the side of East Proctor Road.
    4. Faignant asked Mr. Burgess to attend a Rec committee meeting in the near future to discuss this more.
  2. & Mrs. Parker of Windcrest Road came in to address the board about their property located at 179 Windcrest Road and the 2 properties to their west.
    1. Parker discussed a 50’ Right of Way which is directly adjacent to his property to the West. The Alderman’s car dealership purchased the house on the opposite side of this right of way.
    2. Parker is concerned about encroachment on this right of way, and offered to purchase it.
    3. The Right of Way is 50’ by 200’.
    4. The board expressed they are not interested in selling the right of way due to not knowing if it would be needed in the future.
    5. The Parkers asked if the Town decided to sell it in the future to give them the ability to make a first offer. The board indicated this was not an unreasonable request.
    6. Hathaway will take a look at the properties to see if the right of way is being properly respected.
  3. Jane DeBlasio of 358 Hitzel Terrace addressed the board with her concerns about private fireworks displays.
    1. DeBlasio asked if the Town can post permits which have been issued for fireworks displays.
      1. After discussing this with the Fire Chief and Police Chief, the permits will be posted online. The best way to display the information will be determined so it can be posted on our website and Facebook pages.
    2. Discussed having the Police Committee discuss recent fireworks complaints and if it is an increased over last years.
      1. After discussing it with the Police Chief, there is not a large town wide problem.
    3. Discussed the store, near Home Depot, which sells fireworks and what requirements they have.
      1. They do display signage stating permits are required
      2. Discussed what information is included on the permit for the town

Bill Sweet Administrative Assistant to the Select Board:

  1. Reviewed items included in the packet
    1. Presented a letter of intent from VELCO regarding their letter of intent to combine the 2 adjacent parcels
    2. Provided a letter which was sent to Alderman’s Chevrolet regarding their request for a tax abatement. The letter informed them they need to make the request to the Board of Civil Authority and not the Select Board.
    3. Presented comments and suggestion from Town Attorney Kevin Brown on the new Storm Water Ordinance.
    4. Presented correspondence received from Rutland High School regarding the scholarships recently awarded.
    5. Presented an updated RFP for the work in the Clerk’s office.
      1. Made some clerical changes
      2. Discussed the glass windows proposed for the counter
  • This topic will be tabled until the next meeting
  1. Presented a quote from Bill Lohsen Plumbing & Heating for installing heat pump systems at Town Hall, McKinley Avenue Fire Station and the Transfer Station.
    1. The total quote was $13355. Green Mountain Power is offering $1200 towards the project and Efficiency Vermont is offering an additional $4200 towards the project costs. This would reduce the cost to $7755.
    2. Discussed delaying the install for McKinley Avenue, and installing one when a new station is built.
  • The funds from Efficiency Vermont are available until the end of the year
  1. Additional quotes will be solicited from other vendors
  1. Presented an invoice from the Rutland Regional Chamber of Commerce for 2019-2020 membership. The cost is $1400.
    1. Will ask their director, Mary Cohen, what our contribution gives the town
  2. Reviewed the current pending committee agenda items
    1. A finance committee meeting will be scheduled for next Tuesday
  3. Informed the board of a written offer received for the purchase of our decommissioned police cruiser. Our asking price was $2900 and we have been offered $2500. Mr. Faignant moved to approve the offer. Ms. Ashcroft seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
  4. Terenzini reviewed the recent Town Wide Celebration and recognized all the people and organizations who contributed. Mr. Terenzini asked for anyone who would like to, send a recap to him so we can work to improve it again next year.
    1. The concert and movie planned for the evening will be rescheduled for later this summer.
    2. Discussed making a donation to the Foley Cancer Center as a thank you to Mark Foley, and his Happy Cow Cone ice cream truck, for providing free ice cream at the event. Ms. Ashcroft moved to donate $250. Mr. Faignant seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. The funds will be taken from the Celebration fund.

Barbara Noyes-Pulling Rutland Town Planning Commission Chair:

  1. Reminded the board of the upcoming public meeting on Thursday the 11th and 6 PM with Andres Torizzo from Watershed Consulting Associates to discuss the new Storm Water Ordinance.
  2. The board discussed the proposed changes in language made by Town Attorney Kevin Brown. This included removing language in paragraph 7.7 requiring 48 hours’ notice for an inspection. Mr. Faignant moved to approve removing the language as recommended. Ms. Ashcroft seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
  3. Updated the board on the review process of our Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. It has been received and reviewed by the state. There were some comments given.
    1. The comments and updates will be included in the next packet
  4. Ashcroft discussed the Pocket Park project. She provided a copy of the map for the Planning Commission to review and mark up with comments and suggestions.





Kirsten Hathaway Rutland Town Clerk/Treasurer:

  1. Informed the board of an upcoming Board of Civil Authority meeting scheduled for Tuesday July 16th at 6PM to hear a number of tax abatement requests.
  2. Provided the board with new tax rate information. This will be added to the next agenda.
  3. Discussed attending a Vermont Community Leadership Summit in Randolph. There will be no cost for attending. This will be a good networking opportunity.

Byron Hathaway Rutland Town Road Commissioner:

  1. Updated the board on some aspects of the planned repaving project of Business Route 4 next year.
    1. There will be bike lanes painted on both shoulders, in addition to the 4 travel lanes.
    2. The crosswalk out front of Town Hall will also be installed as part of the project.
  2. Reported on progress seeking reimbursement for some recent storm damage. Hathaway has attended meetings regarding this and expects to hear from them soon on an award.
  3. The Town received sign documentation from the state for the engineering for the structures grant for culvert work on Town Line Road.
    1. Hathaway will create a list of specifications to use for a bid process.
  4. Provided specifications to request bids for anew trailer for the highway department.
  5. Provided correspondence received from Town resident Mr. Canales regarding drainage around his property. There are several options which could be used to mitigate the run off problem. There is an elm tree which may not be healthy in the project area. No decision was made on what to do with it at this time.
    1. The source of the run off comes from existing town infrastructure
    2. A temporary ditching project will be done, and will not impact the tree
  6. Reviewed the Ragosta property issue on Grover Drive.
    1. Discussed options for project scopes, but the town has declined to fund any part of it at this time.
    2. No cost estimate has been received from Mr. Ragosta in regards to restoring the wetlands.
  7. Discussed a request for service on Seward Road brought up at the last board meeting.
    1. There are a lot of details involved in this process; a committee meeting is needed to discuss this.
  8. Reviewed a recent meeting of the Transportation Council at the Regional State Airport.

Chris Clark Rutland Town Fire Chief:

  1. Thanked Byron and the road crew for delivering dirt for the flower beds at the Center Rutland Fire Station. Also thanked Firefighter Marty Wasserman and his wife for planting the flowers.
  2. We received a quote for installing a utility sink at the Center Rutland Fire Station. The total cost is $1345. Mr. Faignant moved to approve the estimate to install the sink with the funds to be taken form the remaining bond balance. Ms. Ashcroft seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.
  3. Discussed scheduling a committee to discuss the replacement of the McKinley Ave Fire Station. The meeting will be scheduled for 430PM on July 23rd.


Ed Dumas Rutland Town Police Chief:

  1. Introduced the new Town Police Officer, Brendan Reilly.
  2. Discussed the parking issue with the Holiday Inn van on the dead end of Cop John Drive. Chief Dumas reported that he brought a copy of the letter to them and had them sign acceptance on it. They asked about the truck trailer parking and he informed them signs will be installed regarding parking.
  3. Discussed posting the job opening coming for the School Resource Officer so when they are selected and hired, gear can be ordered ahead of time due to the long lead time being experienced filling orders for it.
  4. Once officer Reilly completes his training and orientation a schedule has been worked out to allow for night time patrols as well.
  5. Discussed the purchase of a new radar speed cart and the funding source.
    1. Possible sources would be the capital improvement fund, depreciation account or allocating some funds from a surplus.
    2. Kirsten Hathaway said the depreciation fund could be fully funded this year from the first installment of tax payments due to the small amount going into it. This would allow those funds to be able to be used for the purchase.
    3. Faignant moved to approve the purchase of 1 speed cart with funds to be used from the depreciation account once they are available. Ms. Ashcroft seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.

Mr. Terenzini read some recent thank you cards received from recent scholarship recipients.

Mr. Faignant moved to adjourn. Ms. Ashcroft seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.


Respectfully submitted, Mr. Bill Sweet





Joshua C. Terenzini, Chairman
Mary Ashcroft, Clerk
John Paul Faignant
Joseph Denardo
Sharon Russell


Center Rutland, VT.