Select Board Minutes 5-12-2020




MAY 12th, 2020

Out of an abundance of caution around the covid-19 virus, this meeting was held via a conference call line which was made publicly available for anyone to call into.

  • Board members present: Josh Terenzini, Mary Ashcroft, Sharon Russell, Joe Denardo, John Paul Faignant
  • Meeting opened at 6:00 P.M.

Approval of Orders

The Board approved the orders

Discussed the upcoming payment to the school. Town Clerk and Treasurer Kari Clark stated it is two and a half millions dollar check. As discussed at a previous meeting, an early partial payment was not made in favor of waiting until the full amount was due on the regular schedule.

Ms. Clark said nothing else special is in the orders.

Approval of Select Board Minutes for April 28th and May 5th:

  • Russell moved to approve the minutes; Mr. Faignant seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0 for April 28th with Mr. Denardo abstaining and 5-0 for May 5th.

Bill Sweet Administrative Assistant to the Select Board:

  1. Reviewed items from the packet
    1. Provided an updated list of meeting schedules and committee agenda items. This has been sent to all the department heads as well
      1. Ms. Ashcroft added 2 items to the Highway Agenda. Reviewing storm water projects and the list of 2020 projects from Mr. Hathaway.
    2. Other items are under new and old business.
  2. Reviewed additional items emailed directly to board members.
    1. Provided liquor licenses from the Holiday Inn.
      1. They have been reviewed by the Town Police Department.
      2. Ms. Ashcroft moved to approve all 3. Mr. Denardo seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Faignant abstaining.
    2. Provided the scholarship award list from the scholarship committee.
      1. Ms. Ashcroft reviewed the committee recommendations.
        1. For $3000 each, Dylan Roussel and Alexander Stute
        2. For $1500 each, Ethan Course, Austin May, Amy McGee, Tyler Regula, Kathleen Sunderland, Taylor Surething
      2. Mr. Faignant moved to approve. Mr. Denardo seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.
    3. Presented a sewer allocation request from Wulnick Properties at 90 Seward Road. They are one of the properties on the list which was missing an allocation but had an active account with Rutland City. Ms. Ashcroft moved to approve the application. Ms. Russell seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.
    4. Discussed correspondence received regarding an available town property for sale. Mr. Faignant moved to receive on file. Ms. Russell seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.
    5. Presented a draft letter proposed to be sent to sewer users who are exceeding their allocation based on 2019 usage results received from Rutland City. Ms. Ashcroft asked for a detail list of accounts in excess. This will be provided for review for the next board meeting.
    6. Royals Alarm company needs to schedule a fire alarm inspection. Mr. Terenzini commented on it being essential work. Mr. Denardo commented they need to comply with all entry requirements. Mr. Terenzini stressed they should not interfere with scheduled appointments.

Kari Clark Rutland Town Clerk/Treasurer:

  1. Clark discussed the flow of tax payments being received. We are up to 97.5% of taxes paid on time and some with acceptable postmarks are still coming in. This is the historical average found over the last 5 years.
  2. Appointments were taken starting for May 15th, last week and already have scheduled almost all of May. They will evaluate how smoothly the process is going after a week and see if more time slots can be opened up.
  3. The extended due date for registering dogs has passed and the list of unregistered dogs is being prepared to be handed over to the Town Police Department.
  4. Terenzini encouraged increasing the number of appointments daily as soon as it can safely be done.

Barbara Noyes-Pulling Rutland Town Planning Commission Chair:

  1. Informed the board of an expenditure needed. An interactive storm water map was requested to be produced by Watershed Consulting to be able to assist town property owners with determining what area their property is in as defined by the storm water ordinance. The quote was for $1500. A preliminary version has been received and is being tested. An invoice has not been received yet, as a final version is still being worked on. The Planning Commission budget can handle it at this time.
    1. Ashcroft asked Mr. Sweet about the number of requests that have been received in respect to this permit. Mr. Sweet said none have been received. Ms. Ashcroft stated this expense could wait until next fiscal year. Ms. Russell agreed.
    2. Terenzini asked for it to be brought back before the board in July.


Mike Rowe Rutland Town Recreation Director:

  1. Asked the board what they would like to do in regard to the newly reduced restrictions on outside sports by the governor’s office.
    1. Town Health Officer Mr. Faignant commented that he feels we should be following the original recommendations based on a failure to reach the originally established criteria for reopening parks for recreation. This will be brought up again in 2 weeks for discussion.
  2. Requested a recreation committee meeting to discuss the items outlines in the meeting agendas prior to the next Select Board meeting if the committee members can do so.
  3. Mowing is happening regularly to keep up with the growing grass.
  4. There have been a lot of people using the park for walking.

Byron Hathaway Rutland Town Road Commissioner:

  1. The easement for the Chasanna Drive has been signed by the Warwick’s allowing us to put plans in place for the path to access Northwood park off of Chasanna Drive.
  2. Hathaway and Mr. Tripp have been working on sewer manhole inventory.
  3. Discussed the repaving of Business Route 4. 2 Different contractors are working on it.
  4. Terenzini brought up a previous discussion about a plowing contractor for the town.
    1. Russell commented he be allowed to continue work for us, giving him a final chance for performance and he be given a written warning.
    2. Ashcroft said this topic has been discussed at length at various meetings and is not sure where to go at this point.
    3. Terenzini commented he felt another chance is warranted, with a very short leash, with an understanding that further issues will result in a separation from the town.
    4. Faignant said he would support giving one more chance.
    5. Denardo stated another chance means another full season of winter road care and that stopping the relationship mid-season is a problem and this guarantees one more year of plowing. He feels this is a full season commitment.
    6. Hathaway said if the board is in favor of moving forward, he will have a serious conversation with the contractor about requirements going forward.
    7. Ashcroft stated if a contract is offered that it be clear in expectations. Mr. Faignant commented on the {highway} committee taking care of that. Ms. Ashcroft stated they supported the Road Commissioner in his recommendations.
    8. Denardo stated a folder with performance history was available for the board to review but has not been done.
    9. Terenzini asked if there is a standard contract used with our sub-contractors. He replied the town has never used contracts. There was discussion of how it has been handled in the past in various circumstances. Mr. Faignant commented that there have been documents used in the past that lay out insurance and performance requirements. Mr. Faignant asked if Mr. Hathaway has these. He stated he had letters sent out and insurance certificates received annually. Mr. Hathaway said he could write them up over the next few weeks. Mr. Faignant commented some templates should exist.
    10. Russell moved to retain the Hubbards based on the requirement he meet expectations laid out in a contract to be presented to the board. Mr. Faignant seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1 with Mr. Denardo voting against the motion.
  5. Denardo asked about the storm water permit for the Northwood Park storage building. Mr. Hathaway stated this was tabled by the board until July.
  6. Hathaway asked Northwood Park brush management be added to the committee agenda.

Chris Clark Rutland Town Fire Chief:

  1. Only 3 fire calls in the past two weeks
  2. The department was awarded a grant for hose rollers. It is a 50% matching grant and requires us to pay up front and we receive 50% reimbursement. The total cost is $9589. The reimbursement needs to be submitted by September to get the reimbursement. This is for 3 hose rollers.
    1. Faignant asked if it can be done after July 1st. Mr. Clark said yes, as long as we apply for reimbursement by September.
    2. Ashcroft asked where the money would come from. Mr. Clark stated it would come from new equipment, which has just over $13,000 available now. Mr. Clark would like to use this year’s budget. Mr. Denardo and Mr. Faignant agreed.
    3. Denardo moved to purchase them now. Mr. Faignant seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.
  3. Denardo asked about the upcoming monthly meeting for the Fire Department. Mr. Clark said it would be outside or in the truck bay and plans to discuss operationally plans going forward.
  4. Clark said the officers have been taking care of equipment checks since the members are not meeting for regular work nights.
  5. Terenzini asked how attendance at calls has been. Mr. Clark said it is consistent with what has been seen in the past.

Ed Dumas Rutland Town Police Chief:

  1. Recent calls for service were provided.
  2. Provided the board with a quote via email for a new partition for one of the cruisers. The quote was for $1640.13 and would cost about $150 to install.
    1. Ashcroft asked if other quotes were received and if this vendor is on the preferred vendor list. Mr. Dumas said they are not.
    2. Faignant asked if this is an after-market part. He indicated it is and that he would work with Deputy Chief Washburn on additional prices.
  3. Discussed the resumption of the police academy. Officers attending in person will be required to stay there for the duration of their training.
  4. Denardo asked about timelines for the resumption of regular traffic enforcement procedures.
    1. Faignant said a protocol is being developed.
    2. Denardo asked about the speed cart. Mer. Faignant said it will be back out this week.

Mr. Denardo asked about the status of the Randbury Road water line contract. Mr. Terenzini stated the contract signing is scheduled for tomorrow at 3PM at Town Hall.

New Business: Board to discuss renewal of Federal Grant program management fee

  1. Sweet reviewed the expiration date and fees.
  2. Ashcroft said this has been used for programs in the past and it was much more efficient than doing the paperwork in house.
  3. Ashcroft moved to approve the renewal for one year at a cost of $399. Ms. Russell seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. The funds will be used from professional services.

Reviewed the budget status sheets provided by Ms. Clark. Nothing unusual was noted.

Old Business: Board to discuss tables motion from April 14th, 2020, tables motion to approve payment to Gary Kupferer

  1. Terenzini stated this was for costs related to a tax sale.
  2. Faignant moved to approve. Ms. Russell seconded the motion. Ms. Ashcroft asked if this will be reimbursed by the delinquent tax collector at the time of sale or is a cost to the town. Mr. Terenzini read from the statute and reviewed the cap of expenses to be paid is 15%.
  3. Clark stated she had spoken to the delinquent tax collector from the Town of Proctor and was told these charges are normal and allow the tax sale process to being. The Town covers the initial bill and is reimbursed after the property is sold.
  4. Delinquent tax collector Mr. Jim Scholtz commented the 15% cap is over $5000 by the value of the property.
  5. The motion passed 5-0.

Mr. Terenzini recapped a recent conference call he had with the leadership of General Electric Rutland where they informed him that 250 employees on temporary layoff will become permanently laid off soon.

Mr. Denardo moved to adjourn. Ms. Russell seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Mr. Bill Sweet

Joshua C. Terenzini, Chairman
Mary Ashcroft, Clerk
John Paul Faignant
Joseph Denardo
Sharon Russell


Center Rutland, VT.