Planning Commission Minutes 7-16-2020




 DATE: July 16th, 2020

Publicly accessible conference line OPEN MEETING 6:30 P.M.


Present: Barbara Noyes-Pulling, Dana Peterson, Howard Burgess, Andy McKane, Mary Beth Poli, Jerry Stearns, Sherman Hunter, Norman Cohen and Jim Hall

Approval of the Agenda:

Mr. Peterson moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Old Business: Review of Harbor Freight Act 250 application

  1. Reviewed recent communication received from the Act 250 commission, VTrans and Harbor Freight representatives.
  2. Discussed the recommendation that a sidewalk be installed. No action needs to be taken.
  3. Discussed the possibility of solar panels being installed on the roof. The developers do not feel it is practical for this project.
  4. Hall discussed the ownership situation of the current road. It is owned by Aldi’s. It is unknown if the town is going to take over this section.


Old Business: Review of Center Rutland Pocket Park site plans and site visit

  1. A map of the project area was reviewed and discussed. Several recommendations clean up and improvements of the site were discussed. There are many options for improvements and alterations for the area. Discussed the feasibility of making the area ADA accessible. More work will need to be done to determine this.
  2. There are several historical aspects and monuments in the area. This should be incorporated into this project as much as possible.
  3. Discussed posting signage relating to issues relating to the City of Rutland combines sewer overflows.
  4. Reviewed options to establish a canoe launch area.
  5. Other area residents and organizations will need to be contacted and asked to be involved as well.
  6. Discussed closing a section of Simons Avenue. In past discussions, neighbors were not in favor of that. They should be included in any discussions about that.


Old Business: Selectboard letter to VT PUC regarding Otter Creek Solar


  1. A letter was drafted by the town attorney and sent to the PUC.
  2. The developer has given each project an actual name.


  1. The Rutland Housing Authority is going to use some of the money the state has relating to Covid-19. They are proposing to convert the former Mountain View Equipment building into apartments for transitional housing. There will be up to 9 units planned. Some additional development is planned in Rutland City as well.
  2. A webinar is planned for July 28th to discuss energy conservation projects if anyone is interested.


Approval of minutes June 25th, 2020:

Mr. Peterson moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. Clerical corrections were suggested on page 2 and 3. Mr. Peterson moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hunter and Ms. Noyes-Pulling abstained.


Mr. Hunter moved to adjourn. Mr. Hall seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM. Respectfully submitted, Bill Sweet




Barbara Noyes-Pulling

Rutland Town Planning Commission Chair